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Yay! Gina Murrell!

Welcome to the Gleeson Library Record Swap

in celebration of Gina Murrell's permanent appointment as a USF librarian

Share a word (or 2 or 3!) about Gina! Your words will create a word cloud to commemorate this occasion. 

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for the artwork in progress.


Share with Gina your favorite donut shop so that wherever she travels she knows where to find a good donut!


Don't keep you favorite donut shop a secret. Share the wealth with Gina M. using this padlet.

To add your recommendation in padlet click on the pink circle in the bottom right corner of the padlet page


If you want to include an image, click on the upload or google search icon.
Add your name if you want Gina to know you are no slouch when it comes to donuts.

Made with Padlet

Join in the fun at the Gleeson Library Record Swap.

Recommend your favorite album(s) to Gina M. using this padlet.

To add your recommendation in padlet click on the pink circle in the bottom right corner of the padlet page


If you want to include a youtube video, click on the link symbol.
Add your name if you want Gina to know you have awesome taste in music!

Made with Padlet

Gleeson Library Zine Swap

In the back corner of the Record Swap is a table with zines! Share a favorite zine(s) with Gina M. using this padlet.

To add your recommendation in padlet click on the pink circle in the bottom right corner of the padlet page


If you want to include an image, click on the upload or google search icon.
Add your name if you want Gina to know you have stellar zine curatorial skills!

Made with Padlet
Ask A Librarian