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English and Comparative Literature

Background Info, Author Bios, and Overviews

Critical Survey of Short Fiction: Topical Essays, Charles E. May, ed. 4thed. 

Provides 53 overview essays organized into three categories: Theories, Themes & Types, History of Short Fiction, and Short Fiction Around the World. 

Writers from the Americas

Writers from African Diaspora

Writers from the Pacific

Writers from Asia and the Middle East

Writers from Western Europe

Writers from Eastern Europe


Critical Survey of Poetry ed. 4thed. Rosemary M. Canfield Reisman 

Profiles major poets throughout history and the world, including analyses of their significant individual poems or collections. This subset focuses on Topical Essays.

Writers from the Americas

Writers from African Diaspora

Writers from the Pacific

Writers from Asia and the Middle East

Writers from Western Europe

Writers from Eastern Europe

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