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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical

The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection contains more than 6,500 historical periodical titles dating from 1684 to 1912.

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This Collection was released in five series. All five series are simultaneously searched here. 

Series 1 presents titles dating from 1684 through 1820.

Series 2 presents over 1000 titles dating from 1821 through 1837. The collection represents over two centuries of print culture, ranging from early works imported by the colonists to later titles published on American soil on the eve of the Revolution and during the early republic.

Series 3 presents over 1,700 titles dating from 1838 through 1852. The themes presented in Series 3 reveal a rapidly growing young nation, where industrialization, the railroads, regional political differences, and life on the western frontier were daily realities. Subjects covered in the collection reach into every facet of American life, including science, literature, medicine, agriculture, women’s fashion, family life, and religion. 

Series 4 presents over 1,100 titles dating from 1853 through 1865. While the Civil War is a focal point of the collection, we also find a diverse record of the continuance of daily life for many Americans—both leading up to and during the war. News from the battlefront can be found, in addition to the usual breadth of subject matter found in previous collections that include science, literature, medicine, agriculture, women’s fashion, family life, and religion.

Series 5 presents over 2,500 titles dating from 1866 through 1912. The themes presented in Series 5 reflect a nation that persevered through a most difficult set of circumstances: a bloody civil war that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives; the incorporation of the recently-freed African Americans into American life; a population that rapidly expanded into the Western territories. Broad subject areas covered in the collection reach into every facet of American life, including science, literature, medicine, agriculture, women’s fashion, family life, and religion.

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Database Types:
Books — online
Reference Sources

Click box on left "Only Show content which I have full access to" for over 100 encyclopedias, handbooks, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.

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ABI/INFORM Collection
Academic OneFile
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Academic Search Complete, designed specifically for academic institutions, is among the most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
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In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.

This scholarly collection offers unmatched full text coverage of information in many areas of academic study including: animal science, anthropology, area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, ethnic & multicultural studies, food science & technology, general science, geography, geology, law, materials science, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, pharmaceutical sciences, physics, psychology, religion & theology, veterinary science, women's studies, zoology, and many other fields.

Academic Search Complete offers critical information from many sources unique to this massive collection. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.

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Database Types:
Newspapers — Current
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Through nearly 7000 news sources, find diverse global, local, regional, and national perspectives on topics related to controversial issues, the environment, health, education, science, the arts, literature, business, economics, criminal justice, and more.
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Sources include a variety of current and retrospective news media: newspapers, newswires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, periodicals, and web-only content.

Also included are the following Access Modules: Business News, U.S. Newswires, Military, Government, and Defense, and Acceda Noticias. Content is easily searched and sorted through an intuitive, map-based interface.

Access World News includes many California News Sources including the current San Francisco Chronicle.

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Database Types:
Books — online
Statistics and Data
Video and Film
AccessEngineering provides a collection of interdisciplinary engineering textbooks, reference handbooks, code commentaries, as well as Schaum's Outline series for review and practice.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Contains bibliographic information, abstracts, reviews, and the full-text for articles published in ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) periodicals and proceedings, together with selected works published by affiliated organizations.
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Articles published in ACM periodicals and proceedings since 1947.
Tables of Contents for ACM Newsletters published since 1985.

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Database Types:
Research, Writing, and Publishing Tools
The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication covers everything from classic journal authoring topics (now completely modernized) such as Organization of Your Article and Peer Review, to styling conventions needed for all scholarly communication, such as Chemical Nomenclature and Effective Writing and Word Usage, to emerging areas of interest in scholarly communication, including Open Access & Open Science, Sharing Data, Communicating Safety Information, and Preprints.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Full text articles from more than 30 American Chemical Society journals going back to 1898.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Documents the history of African American life and religious organizations from materials published between 1829 and 1922.
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Collection content includes:

More than 170 unique titles related to African American life and culture
Approximately 60,000 pages of searchable primary source content
Reports and annuals from African American religious organizations and social service agencies, as well as African American periodicals
Extensive coverage of African American religious organizations, churches and institutions

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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
African American Newspapers 1827-1998 provides online access to more than 350 U.S. newspapers published by or for African Americans, chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience. This unique collection, which includes historically significant papers from more than 35 states, features many rare 19th-century titles.
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Hundreds of titles—all expertly selected from leading repositories. African American Newspapers was created from the most extensive African American newspaper archives in the world. Titles in Series 1 come from the Wisconsin Historical Society, Kansas State Historical Society and the Library of Congress, while titles in Series 2 come from the American Antiquarian Society, Center for Research Libraries, the Library of Congress, and New York Public Library. All selections were guided by James Danky, editor of the monumental African-American Newspapers and Periodicals: A National Bibliography.

A Richly Detailed Record of the African American Past
African American Newspapers 1827-1998, offers researchers invaluable primary sources for such diverse disciplines as cultural, literary and social history; ethnic studies; and more. Users can compare and contrast African American views on practically every major theme of the American past.

Coverage spans life in the Antebellum South; the spread of abolitionism; growth of the Black church; the Emancipation Proclamation; the Jim Crow Era; the Great Migration to northern cities, the West and Midwest in search of greater opportunity; rise of the NAACP; the Harlem Renaissance; the civil rights movement; political and economic empowerment; and more. Teachers and students will find firsthand perspectives on notable Americans from Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington to W.E.B. Du Bois and Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as obituaries, advertisements, editorials and illustrations.

Notable Titles
Afro-Hawaii News (Honolulu, HI)
In addition to starting the 50th state’s first African American newspaper, Afro-Hawaii News founder Howard “Stretch” Johnson spearheaded a campaign to end segregation in Major League Baseball, fought for a state holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and created the Afro-American Leadership Coalition.
• Includes 55 issues published between 1987 and 1991

Alaska Spotlight (Anchorage, AK)
Following World War II, development and population boomed in Alaska. To give the black community there a voice and an identity, publisher George Anderson created the Spotlight and continued to run it until his death.
• Includes 12 issues published between 1956 and 1968

The Appeal (St. Paul, MN)
One of the leading African American newspapers in the country by the end of the 19th century, the Appeal was reprinted in five states.
• Includes 1,086 issues published between 1903 and 1923

The Arkansas State Press (Little Rock, AR)
Published by civil-rights leader Daisy Bates, the State Press provided unequaled coverage of the 1957 desegregation crisis at Little Rock’s Central High School
• Includes 896 issues published between 1941 and 1959

The Broad Ax (Salt Lake City, UT & Chicago, IL)
Editor Julius Taylor, who founded this Democratic weekly at a time when most African Americans were affiliated with the Republican Party, earned many rivals through his active and outspoken editorials, which were likely to employ such epithets as calling a fellow editor a “pale-faced two-legged dung-hill rooster.”
• Includes 203 issues published between 1895 and 1899

The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH)
Nicknamed “The Old Reliable” for never missing a Saturday publication in 58 years, the Gazette’s causes mirrored those of managing editor Harry C. Smith. Over the years, Smith used his paper’s influence to argue against segregated schools, minstrel shows and the last of Ohio’s “Black Laws” and for college education and Republican policies. One of the most powerful voices against segregation, the Gazette was the country’s longest running African-American newspaper by World War I.
• Includes 2,588 issues published between 1883 and 1945

Freedom’s Journal (New York, NY)
As the first African-American newspaper published in the United States, the Journal provided regional, national and international information on current events; contained editorials declaiming slavery, lynching and other injustices; published biographies of prominent African Americans; and included birth, death and marriage notices as well as job listings in New York’s African American community. Despite its brief run, the Journal circulated in 11 states, the District of Columbia, Haiti, Europe and Canada.
• Includes 103 issues published between 1827 and 1829

The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN)
Called “the Harper’s Weekly of the Black Press” the influential Freeman was the first illustrated African-American newspaper.
• Includes 1,458 issues published between 1888 and 1916

The Langston City Herald (Langston City, OK)
Herald founder E.P. McCabe also co-founded the all-black community of Langston, and used his widely-circulated newspaper to expand African American migration to the area. The paper promoted Langston as a refuge for African Americans fleeing persecution in the South and encouraged enterprising families to stake out homesteads on the fertile prairie.
• Includes 56 issues published between 1891 and 1893

The New York Age (New York, NY)
One of the most important African American newspapers in history, the Age features W.E.B. Du Bois’ first publication—a letter to editor T. Thomas Fortune, whose career intersected with that of Du Bois on numerous occasions.
• Includes 126 issues published between 1889 and 1892

The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)
Lawyer Edwin Archer Randolph founded the Richmond Planet in 1883, but within a year, the newspaper was in the red and on the verge of collapse. It was resurrected by John Mitchell, Jr. and a group of black teachers who had been fired from the Virginia Public School system. Mitchell, the son of former slaves, helped bring the Planet to the zenith of its popularity in 1895 when he aggressively covered the trial of three black women charged with the murder of a white woman. When the prosecution eventually dropped the charges, the Planet’s role in the outcome was widely acknowledged.
• Includes 7 issues published between 1885 and 1900

L'Union/Union (New Orleans, LA)
L'Union was a tri-weekly, bi-lingual French and English title published in New Orleans in the years immediately after the port city was liberated by Union troops. It provided an astonishing array of political and literary information aimed toward the city’s cultured black population.
• Includes 96 issues published between 1862 and 1864

The Washington Bee (Washington, DC)
The boldest of several D.C. titles during this period, the Bee’s motto was “Stings for our enemies, honey for our friends.” This widely influential paper was read by African Americans around the world.
• Includes 1,926 issues published between 1882 and 1922

Wisconsin Afro-American/Northwestern Recorder (Milwaukee, WI)
Although this pioneering black title in an overwhelmingly white state didn’t last for long, its mission to solidify the fledgling African American community and attract impoverished southern sharecroppers to the industrial opportunities of the north was carried on by future papers.
• Includes 11 issues published between 1892 and 1893

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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) serves as the catalog and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library, as well as a primary public source for world-wide access to agricultural information. The database covers materials in all formats and periods, including printed works from as far back as the 15th century.
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The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.

Although the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA) does not contain the text of the materials it cites, thousands of its records are linked to full-text documents online, with new links added daily. For information on how to obtain library materials not provided via such a link, see the Help text on Requesting Materials.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Alexander Street Video offers educational videos for a variety of disciplines. To see the video collections that USF subscribes to, open the menu and select "Collections."
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
This database focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers libraries full text articles for more than 180 international, and often peer-reviewed journals and reports.
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In addition, there are hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research and book excerpts. Alt HealthWatch provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine. This database features indexing and abstracts going back as far as 1984, and full text going back as far as 1990

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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
America: History and Life is the definitive index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. With indexing for 1,700 journals from as far back as 1910, this database is without question the most important bibliographic reference tool for students and scholars of U.S. and Canadian history.
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Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
Journals & Magazines — Current
Statistics and Data
Registration Required. See "more" below for more information. The American Energy Society is the largest association for energy professionals. Providing non-partisan energy news, insights, and professional development opportunities, AES is a trusted voice with a mission to solve the world's greatest energy and environmental challenges.
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The first time you access American Energy Society, you will be asked to create an account. Register with your academic email address ( With your own account, you will gain access to the resources of an organization representing over 135,000 energy professionals in every field and sector in academia, national laboratories, government, and industry in the United States and internationally. All current publications, archives, media, tools, and services are available to you through the Member Portal.
American FactFinder
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Alternate Name(s):ProQuest History Vault
Database Types:
Letters & Diaries
Primary Sources
Contains collections from the U.S. National Archives, a series of collections from the Chicago History Museum, as well as selected first-hand accounts on the Indian Wars and westward migration. Also included are Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, records from the Major Council Meetings of American Indian Tribes, and several collections that focus on the interaction among white settlers, the U.S. federal government, and Indian tribes.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
American Periodicals Series Online (APS Online) includes digitized images of the pages of American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the dawn of the 20th century. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine and America's first scientific journal, Medical Repository; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies' Home Journal;regional and niche publications; and groundbreaking journals like The Dial, Puck, and McClure's.
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APS Online chronicles the development of America across 150 years. The journals in this collection cover three broad periods:

89 journals published between 1740 and 1800 offer insights into America's transition from colonial times to independence. The journals support research for a range of academic fields. Titles include Massachusetts Magazine, which published America's first short stories, and Thomas Paine's Pennsylvania Magazine, which reported on inventions. One of the first mass printings of the Declaration of Independence, a letter by George Washington on the crucial Battle of Trenton, and the thoughts of Benjamin Franklin are among the highlights of content from this period.

The first 60 years of the 19th century became the golden age of American periodicals, with general interest magazines, children's publications, and more than 20 journals for women. Many of the publications reflect on the growing debate over slavery, including the serialization of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom’s Cabin in National Erathat preceded the novel. Also available are hard-to-find materials, such as Edgar Allan Poe's contributions to the Southern Literary Messenger, as well as the first appearances of Nathaniel Hawthorne's stories in New England Magazine, and Margaret Fuller's contributions to the Dial.

118 periodicals published during the Civil War (1861-1865) and Reconstruction (1865-1877) eras reflect the nation in turmoil and growth, and titles from the 1880s through 1900 capture the settling of the West and the emergence of modern America. Early professional journals, including Publications of the American Economic Association and Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, popular titles such as Scribner's and Lippincott’s issued by publishing houses, celebrations of Americana in Ladies’ Home Journal, and the incisive political and social commentary of Puck and McClure’s illustrate the variety of the American experience.

Because the database contains digitized images of periodical pages, researchers can see all of the original typography, drawings, graphic elements, and article layouts exactly as they were originally published.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Each year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to guide researchers to the principal contributions of their field and help them keep up to date in their area of research. Each article is its own search engine, providing a gateway to the essential primary research literature referenced within each topic.
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Gleeson Library subscribes to the following disciplines:

Cell & Developmental Biology
Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
Environment and Resources
Genomics and Human Genetics
Marine Science
Physical Chemistry
Political Science
Public Health

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APA PsycInfo
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Alternate Name(s):psycINFO psychinfo
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
APA PsycInfo is the American Psychological Association's renowned resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations. It is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health, and contains over 3 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the 1600s, with one of the highest DOI matching rates in the publishing industry. Ninety-nine percent of its content is peer-reviewed. Formerly called PsycINFO.
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Included is information on the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, technology, linguistics, anthropology, business, law and others. Journal coverage, which spans from the 1800s to the present, includes international material selected from around 2,500 periodicals in dozens of languages. APA PsycInfo is indexed with controlled vocabulary from APA's Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.

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Alternate Name(s):PsycNET psychnet PsycBOOKS PsycArticles
Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
Tests and Measures
APA PsycNet provides access to articles from American Psychological Association journals, the full text of APA books, and full text of psychological tests and measures. APA PsycNet searches these databases: APA PsycArticles, APA PsycBooks, and APA PsycTests. Formerly called PsycNET.
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Alternate Name(s):PsycTESTS psychtests
Database Types:
Tests and Measures
APA PsycTests provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration. Formerly called PsycTESTS.
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Focuses primarily on unpublished tests, those developed by researchers but not made commercially available

Most records link to a variety of materials describing the test in peer-reviewed literature, technical reports, or dissertations as well as links to related peer-reviewed literature describing test development, review, or use

All records include a summary that describes the test, with its purpose and some history of its development

Most records include the actual test instrument.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
The Architectural Digest Magazine Archive includes cover-to-cover access to issues of the iconic and influential design magazine from the 1920s to 2011.
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Each issue in the Architectural Digest Magazine Archive is presented in its entirety, including the front and back covers and its high-quality photo spreads. All articles and advertisements have been indexed with subject terms to allow users to find relevant results quickly, as well as research and analyze trends in topics and advertising materials. With over 90 years’ worth of issues available, the Architectural Digest Magazine Archive is a valuable resource for everyday design enthusiasts, researchers of architecture and interior design and those interested in the history of business, advertising and popular culture.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Art & Architecture Source covers a broad range of related subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. Providing over 600 full-text journals, more than 220 full-text books, and a collection of over 63,0000 images, it is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
A full-text archive of magazines comprising key research material in the fields of art and photography. Subjects covered include fine art, decorative arts, architecture, interior design, industrial design, and photography. The publication issues are presented as full-color page images.
Coverage: 1860 - 2015
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Art and Architecture in Video delivers over 500 hours of documentaries and interviews illustrating the theory and practice of a variety of art forms and providing the context necessary for critical analysis. Ideal for both undergraduate and graduate courses, the works within this collection offer a dynamic tool to enhance understanding of visual media.
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Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Letters & Diaries
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
A digital collection of historical content pertaining to Hispanic history, literature, political commentary, and culture in the United States from colonial times to 1960.
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Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection draws its content from the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project, the largest national project ever to locate, preserve, and disseminate Latino-Hispanic culture of the United States in its written form, from colonial times to 1960. The project functions under the direction of Dr. Nicolás Kanellos, founder and director of Arte Público Press, the oldest and largest publisher of U.S. Latino-Hispanic literature, and includes publications from all regions of the nation.

The Series 1 collection conveys the creative life of U.S. Latinos and Hispanics – shedding new light on the intellectual vigor and traditional values that have characterized them from the earliest moments of this country’s history through contemporary times. The Latino-Hispanic American Experience offers a unique approach, focusing exclusively on the Latino-Hispanic history in the U.S.

Content Includes:
Approximately 60,000 historical articles
Hundreds of political and religious pamphlets and broadsides
Complete texts of over 1,100 historical books of Hispanic literature and culture
Content written in Spanish (80%) and English (20%)
Content indexed and searchable in Spanish and English

Content Types Include:
Short stories

Series 2 presents thematic content focusing on the evolution of Hispanic civil rights, religious thought, and the growing presence of women writers from the late 19th and 20th centuries. Rare and relevant books and newspapers – including rare anarchist newspapers – are presented in their original form. Extensive manuscript collections of both organizations and individuals are included for viewing, and are indexed for ease of search and maximum discovery. This collection offers a unique approach by focusing exclusively on the Latino-Hispanic history of the United States.

Content Includes:
Hundreds of rare books by Latino-Hispanic Americans
Over 3,000 issues of rare historical newspapers and periodicals, including over 75,000 pages of content
Over 250,000 pages of personal and organizational manuscript content
Content written in Spanish (80%) and English (20%)
Content indexed and searchable in Spanish and English

Content Types Include:
Letters and telegrams
Speeches and transcripts
Literary manuscripts
Personal records
Meeting minutes
Political papers
Cultural programs and notices

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
The backfile of Artforum (later called Artforum International), the leading magazine for coverage of international contemporary art, from its launch in 1962 to 2020. Spanning six decades of reporting on art in all media, Artforum offers features, reviews, and interviews relating to artists, exhibitions, publications, and other art world events / trends.
Database Types:
Artstor features an unparalleled range of images from some of the world’s leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists in one easily-navigated repository. Artstor has moved to JSTOR. Registration on JSTOR is required to access your personal Workspace to save images and articles, organize your saved items with folders, share folders, and export your research.
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Artstor facilitates research and education in numerous disciplines, including art and visual studies, architecture, religion, anthropology and archaeology, global studies, fashion and costume, classics, world history, and more. Our library is solely available for teaching, education and scholarship, with all images supported with comprehensive metadata and cleared for educational use. Researchers, faculty, and librarians can find rare collections not accessible anywhere else, and contributions are added monthly, continually expanding our areas of reference and study.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Open Access
Started in August 1991, (formerly is a highly-automated electronic archive and distribution server for research articles. Covered areas include physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology and statistics. arXiv is maintained and operated by the Cornell University Library with guidance from the arXiv Scientific Advisory Board and the arXiv Member Advisory Board, and with the help of numerous subject moderators.
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Users can retrieve papers from arXiv via the web interface. Registered authors may use our web interface to submit their articles to arXiv. Authors can also update their submissions if they choose, though previous versions remain available.

Listings of newly submitted articles in areas of interest are available via the web interface, via RSS feeds, and by subscription to automatic email alerts.
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Alternate Name(s):American Society of Civil Engineers Library
Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
The ASCE Library is the world’s largest full-text database of civil engineering research and practical publications, offering online access to more than 145,000 technical and professional papers. Gleeson Library provides access to the Journals and Proceedings only.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides a thorough introduction to the wide-ranging and fast-developing field of Asian American studies. Published with the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS), this encyclopedia features more than 300 A-to-Z articles authored by AAAS members and experts in the field who examine the social, cultural, psychological, economic, and political dimensions of the Asian American experience.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Asian Film Online offers a view of Asian culture as seen through the lens of the independent Asian filmmaker. Through a selection of hundreds of narrative feature films, documentaries and shorts curated by film scholars and critics, the collection offers highly relevant perspectives and insights onto themes relevant across Asia, including modernity, globalization, female agency, social and political unrest, and cultural and sexual identity.
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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
AsianWeek was America's first and largest English language print and on-line publication serving Asian Americans. The news organization played an important role nationally and in the San Francisco Bay Area as the "Voice of Asian America". AsianWeek published from 1979 to 2009.
Alternate Name(s):sao/nasa ads
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
A gateway to the online Astronomy and Physics literature.
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Database Types:
Books — online
Primary Sources
The ATLA Historical Monographs Collection: Series 1 & 2 provides religious and theological literature from the late 13th century to 1922.
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Preserved and curated by the American Theological Library Association (ATLA), this collection contains more than 29,000 titles and features over 50 languages, including German, Italian, and Spanish. Topics covered include church life, demographics, doctrinal disputes, higher criticism, Judeo-Christian religions, Non-Western religions, and social movements.

ATLA Historical Monographs Collection: Series 1 contains over five million pages of content, and consists of titles from the late 13th century through the 1893 World Parliament of Religions, with the majority of titles from the 19th century. Because religion was such an integral part of the social, political and economic fabric of life during this time period, historians researching a wide range of areas, not just religion, will find invaluable material relevant to their work.

This collection covers diverse topics such as philosophy, the evolutionary debate, the Reformation, spiritualism, prayer, ancient linguistics, archeology, devotionals, ethics, and more in a variety of languages.

ATLA Historical Monographs Collection: Series 2 consists of over five million pages of content from over 14,880 monographs dating from 1894 through 1922. This collection provides a broad view of the changing landscape of religion in America at the end of a century of dramatic cultural and political change.

It offers material on the significant shifts in the religious identification of Americans and the growing interest and experimentation with non-Western religions. It presents a comprehensive picture of American life at the time with the rise of missionary activity and evangelical Christianity and the emergence of the historical critical method – the foundation for all twentieth century biblical scholarship.

Collection Includes:
Biographies of 19th century theologians, providing perspective on how and why these leaders were valued in the 19th century
Books by and about women and the church
Books about Native Americans and their religion

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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS provides coverage from 1949 and retrospective indexing for several journal issues as far back as the nineteenth century. Full-text content is included for more than 425 journals.
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Includes indexing from the Catholic Periodical and Literature Indes (CPLI).

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
The Atlantic Magazine Archive contains indexing, abstracting, and full text (including Covers and advertisements) of this leading monthly magazine beginning in November 1857 and ending April 2014.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, published by the Getty Research Institute, is the only comprehensive American guide to the current literature of architecture and design.
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The index covers international, scholarly and popular periodical literature, including publications of professional associations; US state and regional periodicals; and major serial publications in the architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America and Australia.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Bergey's is the most complete and authoritative description of bacterial and archaeal diversity. it provides descriptions of the taxonomy, systematics, ecology, physiology and other biological properties of all described prokaryotic taxa.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
The Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) contains 860,400 records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present.
More Info:
In addition to entries compiled since 1997, the online BAS includes the full data of all of the printed volumes of the BAS issued from the 1971 up to the 1991 volumes (published in 1997). The most important 100+ periodicals in Asian Studies as identified by the BAS staff are indexed as immediately as possible, but the total number of indexed journals is many times that amount; full information about the years of coverage of each and every journal is provided through the Journal Title Browse function. In addition, various special projects have contributed substantial numbers of additional records to the database (among them journals on Southeast Asia dating as far back as 1779).

Through the 1991 printed volume, the BAS included citations to Western-language periodical articles, monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festschriften, etc. Monographs published since 1992, however, have not been added to the database, and users seeking such monographs are urged to consult other general resources and databases such as WorldCat.

On Campus Link
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Includes articles from over 1,200 journals. Consists of both BHA (covering 1990-2007), the International Bibliography of Art (IBA), covering the years 2008 and part of 2009, and the Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA), one of the predecessors of BHA, with records that cover 1975–1989.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology, and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. Includes results from Medline (PubMed) and Toxline databases.
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Supporting over two dozen areas of expertise, this database provides access to literature from over 6000 serials, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):ProQuest History Vault
Database Types:
Government Information
Primary Sources
Reference Sources
Includes FBI files on Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists, and records spanning from the Kennedy to the Reagan White House.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Contains over 500 hours of seminal documentaries, powerful interviews, and previously unavailable archival footage surveying the black experience. Black Studies in Video features the SNCC Legacy Video Collection, a series of over fifty hours of formal addresses, panel discussions, and programs that took place at the 50th anniversary conference and reunion commemorating the founding of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Letters & Diaries
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
A collection of approximately 100,000 pages of non-fiction writings by major American black leaders — teachers, artists, politicians, religious leaders, athletes, war veterans, entertainers, and other figures — covering 250 years of history. Contains previously inaccessible material, including letters, speeches, prefatory essays, political leaflets, interviews, periodicals, and trial transcripts. The ideas of over 1,000 authors present an evolving and complex view of what it is to be black in America.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology is the reference for students, researchers, librarians, and academics in the field. This ground-breaking project brings together specially commissioned entries written and edited by an international team of the world's best scholars and teachers. With over 1800 entries / 3.5 million words it will define the discipline of sociology for years to come.
More Info:
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology provides:

Clear, concise, expert definitions and explanations of the key concepts written by leading scholars in the field
An essential reference for expert and newcomer alike, with entries ranging from short definitions of key terms to extended explorations of major topics
Materials that have historically defined the discipline, but also more recent developments, significantly updating the store of sociological knowledge
Introductions to sociological theories and research that have developed outside of the United States and Western Europe
Sophisticated cross-referencing and search facilities
A timeline, lexicon by subject area, and extensive bibliographies
Regular updates of new and revised entries and features

On Campus Link
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine Archive provides cover-to-cover coverage, including all advertisements, from 1929 to 2010.
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Bloomberg Businessweek has been a leading business and financial news magazine for both business managers and consumers since 1929.

On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Excerpts from and citations to book reviews: fiction and non-fiction, adult and juvenile.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism presents the latest research on all the main aspects of the Hindu traditions. Its essays are original work written by the world’s foremost scholars on Hinduism. The encyclopedia aims at a balanced and even-handed view of Hinduism, recognizing the divergent perspectives and methods in the academic study of a religion that is both an ancient historical tradition and a flourishing tradition today
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The encyclopedia embraces the greatest possible diversity, plurality, and heterogeneity, thus emphasizing that Hinduism encompasses a variety of regional traditions as well as a global world religion. Presenting the same heralded original essays and research from thematic print edition, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism is now available in a fully searchable, dynamic digital format.

On Campus Link
Database Types:
Government Information
Statistics and Data
Provides statistics on crime and law enforcement in the U.S. including the U.S. murder rate, drug use, crime rates, and reports on such subjects as violence against women, capital punishment, drugs and crime, guns used in crimes, and prison populations.
Database Types:
Government Information
Statistics and Data
Provides statistics on labor and information on occupations and industries in the U.S. including employment, hours, earnings, consumer and producer price indexes, productivity, compensation and collective bargaining, injury and illness, and some international data as well. Also provides occupational and industry information.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Ideal for historical business research, with indexing for more than 1000 publications.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
SWOT Analysis
This is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included.
More Info:
In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals, Business Source Complete contains detailed author profiles for the 25,000 most-cited authors in the database. Journal ranking studies reveal that Business Source Complete is the overwhelmingly superior database for full text journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics.

Additional full text, non-journal content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.

On Campus Link


Database Types:
Statistics and Data
This site contains crime data submitted by county and local law enforcement agencies, as well as current and historical publications on crime, juvenile justice, homicide, and hate crimes in California.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):America's historical newspapers
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Full text of more than 100 historical California newspapers from as early as 1845.
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On Campus Link
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Laws and Legislation
Status, history, votes, analyses, etc., of California legislation. Includes California Code.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
This database of the literature of philanthropy incorporates the unique contents of the Foundation Center's five libraries and contains more than 33,000 citations, the majority of which include descriptive abstracts. It is organized by our in-house classification system. The database covers literature on philanthropy, the foundations world, the nonprofit sector—particularly works on such topics as fundraising and proposal development—and works related to charitable giving, including project reports, studies, and statistical analysis.
Database Types:
Government Information
The Catalog provides bibliographic records of U.S. Government information resources. Use it to link to Federal agency resources on the Internet or identify materials distributed to Federal Depository Libraries. The Catalog serves as the most comprehensive index to U.S. Government publications and continues the print Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications.
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
This list is being compiled by the Catholic Research Resources Alliance with the help of all in support of the goal to provide access to all extant Catholic newspapers in North America.
Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
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Database Types:
Dissertations & Theses
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
The Center for Research Libraries provides a shared collection of five million books, journals, documents and newspapers to supplement member libraries’ holdings in the humanities, science, and social sciences. CRL materials can be obtained for extended loan periods, allowing for intensive use of long runs of publications and archives. With a strategic emphasis on expanding electronic access to international primary source collections, CRL participates in a number of cooperative digitization efforts, yielding over 15 million pages of digitized content to date.
More Info:
CRL resources include:

6,500 international newspapers, some from as early as the 1700s—the largest circulating collection of newspapers in North America.
4,500 U.S. newspapers, including 2,000 ethnic titles.
Foreign journals rarely held in U.S. libraries, with a focus on science and technology.
Access to rich holdings in STE print serials through a partnership with the Linda Hall Library.
More than 800,000 non-U.S. dissertations.
Area Studies: major collections from Africa, Latin America, Middle East, Europe, Asia, and South Asia, in various formats.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Research, Writing, and Publishing Tools
The Chicago Manual of Style Online is a guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. It is a reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers, providing sound, definitive advice.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Chicano Database includes over 67,000 records from more than 2,400 journals and other resources including newspapers, books and book chapters. The database provides coverage dating back to the 1960s and selective indexing dating back to the early 1900s. Subject coverage includes art, bilingual education, education, labor, literature, mental health, law, poetry, politics and sociology.
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Database Types:
Resource for automotive help, providing vehicle maintenance, repair, and technical service bulletins for most years, makes, and models. Includes step-by-step service and repair procedures; wiring diagrams; maintenance and specification tables; troubleshooting guides and diagnostic trouble codes; photos, illustrations, diagrams and multimedia (videos and animations); ASE test prep; etc.
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Database Types:
Newspapers — Current
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators
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Current faculty, staff, and students have access to the Chronicle's free email newsletters. These include the popular Academe Today, The Weekly Briefing, and others. To sign up, first create a free account using your USF email address. When you receive your email newsletter, sign in to your personal account to access the full-text of articles. Once you create a personal account, use it to access the Chronicle of Higher Education from anywhere in the world. The Chronicle does not have a mobile app anymore, but you should be able to access the site with any mobile device.

On Campus Link
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for the most used journals in the CINAHL index. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Open Access
Pre-print articles and online papers in the sciences, particularly computer science. The database also serves as a citation index showing who has cited whom.
Civil Engineering Database
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
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Database Types:
Letters & Diaries
Primary Sources
This unique archive captures various accounts of the Civil War as it was experienced on land and at sea. The collection provides firsthand perspectives from hospitals and prison camps and reactions to the War from the homefront.
More Info:
Northern and Southern Points of View
The Civil War Primary Source Documents collection, drawn from the holdings of the New-York Historical Society, is comprised of over 110,000 pages from over 400 individual collections, and focuses on the War as it was fought from both Northern and Southern perspectives.

Battlefront Perspectives and Personal Artifacts
Invaluable primary resources include letters, diaries, administrative records, photographs and illustrations. Personal accounts appear in various scrapbook journals and family portraits, and strategic initiatives are evident in maps featuring details of troop movements and local landmarks.

Insightful Correspondence and Notable Papers
Highlights include the papers of David Cronin, a famous soldier and artist, soldiers' diaries chronicling daily life and experiences as prisoners of war, Union Defence Committee records and Confederate Army records.

Content Includes:

Over 110,000 pages from over 400 individual collections
Extensive correspondence from both the Confederate and Union troops, societies and individuals and their families
Diaries from soldiers on the field and civilians on the homefront
Hand-drawn illustrations, maps, and engineering notebooks
Military content from both the army and navy, from the front lines to hospitals and prisons
Letters and first person accounts from such well-known leaders as Ulysses S. Grant, as well as accounts from individual soldiers and sailors

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. Each Cochrane Clinical Answer contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from relevant Cochrane reviews.
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Database Types:
Evidence-Based Practice
Journals & Magazines — Current
Cochrane Reviews are systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy, and are internationally recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based health care resources.
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Cochrane Reviews investigate the effects of interventions for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. They also assess the accuracy of a diagnostic test for a given condition in a specific patient group and setting. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews is a full text resource.

On-Campus Link
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
The ComAbstracts database contains abstracts of articles and books published in the primary professional literature of the communication(s) field as well as bibliographic records.
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The database is unique in its comprehensive coverage of scholarly books in communication and journalism. The full text of the ComAbstracts database can be searched; that is, records may be searched by word, phrase, or author. The search system supports full Boolean search logic (AND, OR, NOT, XOR), proximity searching, wildcard searching, and word conflation (which finds alternative forms of words based on common linguistic roots).

Synonyms are available for many clusters of terms and are included automatically in searches unless they are explicitly overriden in the search specification (for example, a search for 'YOUTH' will also match 'TEEN' and 'ADOLESCENT'). The database may also be searched using (1) a keyword system consisting of menus of prepared subject terms and search specifications or (2) using the Visual Communication Concept Explorer a next-generation visual interface build on statistical analysis of word relationships unique to the academic communication literature.

On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Developed from a merger of the EBSCO databases Communication and Mass Media Complete and Communication Abstracts (formerly published by Sage), this is the premier research database for Communication Studies. This comprehensive resource offers worldwide full-text content pertaining to communication, linguistics, rhetoric and discourse, speech-language pathology, media studies and related fields and includes many unique sources previously not available.
More Info:
Communication Source features full text for more than 800 titles, including over 600 active full-text titles.

Indexing and abstracting is included for more than 1000 Core titles. Also featured is backfile coverage of top titles in Communication, reaching deep into the 20th century. Content is derived from academic journals, conference papers, conference proceedings, trade publications, magazines and periodicals. Content development for Communication Source is guided by expert advisors who are academic librarians and Communication bibliographers from leading international institutions.

On-Campus Link
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Alternate Name(s):Ei Compendex
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
A comprehensive bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering research, covering all engineering disciplines. It contains bibliographic citations and abstracts from thousands of engineering journals and conference proceedings.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Authoritative and comprehensive collection of physiology information covering reference materials and key developments in the field.
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Database Types:
Computing Reviews provides critical reviews by computing experts of books and papers in the computing field. The goals are to provide an overview of developments in computing to both specialists and generalists who wish to survey the field as a whole; isolate and illuminate quality materials; and build and enhance communities of computer scientists and others by promoting the exchange of ideas.
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On-Campus Link
Alternate Name(s):thomas
Database Types:
Government Information
Laws and Legislation is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information for Members of Congress, legislative agencies, and the public.
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Alternate Name(s):CRS
Database Types:
Government Information
Hot Topics & Issues
Provides non-partisan analysis of issues under debate.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
This series contains more than 2,500 hours of footage from actual therapy sessions, training videos, and reenactments conducted by renowned counseling professionals.
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Perhaps the greatest source of anxiety for students in the mental health field is the prospect of working with clients in face-to-face counseling encounters. The five-volume Counseling and Therapy in Video Series provides an invaluable firsthand look at the realities of working with clients and the challenges associated with putting theoretical concepts into practice.

On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
CQ Researcher provides award winning in-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day. Our reports are written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked.
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Full-length articles include an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus resources for additional research. Graphics, photos and short "sidebar" features round out the reports. Shorter "Hot Topics" articles provide a solid introduction to subjects most in demand by students.

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Database Types:
Video and Film
Dance in Video is the definitive video collection for the study of 20th Century concert dance, featuring the most influential performers and companies together with dozens of documentaries, interviews, and dance instruction videos—comprising 500 hours of high-caliber content.
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Dance in Video provides coverage in breadth and depth for modern dance forms, and is relevant to dance history, dance analysis, dance instruction.

A comprehensive video collection:

Overview of 20th Century concert dance, including the forerunners and pioneers of modern dance, covering ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisation
Invaluable resource as dance is an inherently visual medium – content includes coaching sessions and recreations of past choreographers works.
More details

Linking to Alexander Street Videos

On-Campus Link
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Alternate Name(s):ReferenceUSA
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
Directory information for publicly and privately owned companies in the United States, as well as information about individual consumers. Formerly called Reference Solutions / ReferenceUSA.
More Info:
Data Axle Reference Solutions is compiled from over 5,000 Yellow page directories, Business White Pages, Corporate Annual Reports, SEC 10K reports, Chamber of Commerce Directories, state directories, and other public information sources. It is searchable by Yellow Page heading, Industry group, SIC code, city or geographic area, employee size, sales volume, and consumer name.

Data Axle Reference Solutions also allows you to create heat maps of your business list based on many of the criteria listed above.

On Campus Link
Data Planet
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Alternate Name(s):American FactFinder
Database Types:
Government Information
Statistics and Data is the new platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau. It replaces the American FactFinder website, which was retired in 2020.
More Info:
The earliest data on will be from the 2000 Census. American Community Survey (ACS) Data will not be available prior to 2010 with the exception of the 2009 Comparison Profiles. All ACS data, including 2005 to 2009 data, are available in the Census Data API.

For detailed information about the new platform see this guide.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
DARE is different from other dictionaries in that it does not include words that are commonly used throughout the United States, but rather focuses on the regional aspects of our language, documenting words, phrases, and pronunciations that vary from one place to another. Widely viewed as the American equivalent of the Oxford English Dictionary, DARE represents the full panoply of American regional vocabulary—from Adam’s housecat to Zydeco.
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Contradicting the popular notion that American English has become homogenized, DARE demonstrates that our language still has distinct and delightful local character. Whether we are talking about foods, games, clothing, family members, animals, or almost any other aspect of life, our vocabulary reveals much about who we are. DARE celebrates the color, richness, and evolution of the English language across America.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
"The most important thing about a writer is his writing. Accordingly, the entries in DLB are career biographies, tracing the development of the author's canon and the evolution of his reputation."
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"The purpose of DLB is ... to place the figures in the larger perspective of literary history and to offer appraisals of their accomplishments by qualified scholars."

The award-winning Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online provides comprehensive access to the series dedicated to making literature and its creators better understood and more accessible to students and interested readers while simultaneously satisfying the standards of librarians, teachers, and scholars. The series provides reliable information on authors and their works in an easy to understand, engaging format, while placing writers in the larger perspective of literary history.
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Database Types:
Government Information
Primary Sources
The Digital National Security Archive contains the most comprehensive set of declassified government documents available. The resource now includes 44 collections consisting of over 104,000 meticulously indexed documents, with more than 733,000 total pages.
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Each of these collections, compiled by top scholars and experts, exhaustively covers the most critical world events, countries, and U.S. policy decisions from post World War II through the 21st century. Together, these collections offer unparalleled access to the defining international strategies of our time. Glossaries, chronologies, bibliographies, overviews, and photographs are included.

Collections Include:

Afghanistan: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1973–1990
The Berlin Crisis, 1958–1962
China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960–1998
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
El Salvador: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977–1984
El Salvador: War, Peace, and Human Rights, 1980–1994
Iran: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977–1980
The Iran-Contra Affair: The Making of a Scandal, 1983-1988
Iraqgate: Saddam Hussein, U.S. Policy and the Prelude to the Persian Gulf War, 1980–1994
Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, 1960–1976
Nicaragua: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1978–1990
The Philippines: U.S. Policy during the Marcos Years, 1965–1986
Presidential Directives on National Security, Part I: From Truman to Clinton
South Africa: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1962–1989
The Soviet Estimate: U.S. Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947–1991
U.S. Espionage and Intelligence, 1947–1996
The U.S. Intelligence Community: Organization, Operations, and Management, 1947-1989
U.S. Military Uses of Space, 1945–1991
U.S. Nuclear History: Nuclear Arms and Politics in the Missile Age, 1955–1968
U.S. Nuclear Non-proliferation Policy, 1945–1991
Terrorism and U.S. Policy, 1968–2002
Presidential Directives on National Security, Part II: From Truman to George W. Bush
U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, Part I: 1954-1968
Death Squads, Guerrilla War, Covert Operations, and Genocide: Guatemala and the United States, 1954-1999
U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, Part II: 1969-1975
Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, 1977–1992
The Kissinger Transcripts: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969–1977
The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited: An International Collection of Documents, From the Bay of Pigs to the Brink of Nuclear War
U. S. Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction: From World War II to Iraq
The Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977
Peru: Human Rights, Drugs, and Democracy: 1980-2000
US Intelligence Community after 9/11
The National Security Agency: Organization and Operations, 1945-2009
The United States and The Two Koreas, 1969-2000
The United States and the Two Koreas, Part II, 1969-2010
Colombia and the United States: Political Violence, Narcotics, and Human Rights, 1948-2010
US Intelligence and China: Collection, Analysis, and Covert Action
Chile and the United States: U.S. Policy toward Democracy, Dictatorship, and Human Rights, 1970-1990
Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, Part III, 1961-2000
Argentina, 1975-1980: The Making of U.S. Human Rights Policy
CIA Covert Operations: From Carter to Obama, 1977-2010
Mexico-United States Counternarcotics Policy, 1969-2013
The Kissinger Conversations, Supplement: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977
Electronic Surveillance: From the Cold War to the War on Terror
CIA Covert Operations II: The Year of Intelligence, 1975
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Database Types:
Primary Sources
Sanborn fire insurance maps are the most frequently consulted maps in both public and academic libraries. Sanborn maps are valuable historical tools for urban specialists, social historians, architects, geographers, genealogists, local historians, planners, environmentalists and anyone who wants to learn about the history, growth, and development of American cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
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Access to California maps only.

They are large-scale plans containing data that can be used to estimate the potential risk for urban structures. This includes information such as the outline of each building, the size, shape and construction materials, heights, and function of structures, location of windows and doors. The maps also give street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers. Seven or eight different editions represent some areas.

Textual information on construction details (for example, steel beams or reinforced walls) is often given on the plans while shading indicates different building materials. Extensive information on building use is given, ranging from symbols for generic terms such as stable, garage, and warehouse to names of owners of factories and details on what was manufactured in them. In the case of large factories or commercial buildings, even individual rooms and the uses to which they were put are recorded on the maps. Other features shown include pipelines, railroads, wells, dumps, and heavy machinery.

Access the map legend provided by the Sanborn Map Company.

For help using the Sanborn Map collection see Frequently Asked Questions.

Founded in 1867 by D. A. Sanborn, the Sanborn Map Company was the primary American publisher of fire insurance maps for nearly 100 years.

On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Video and Film
A comprehensive and international set of resources that enrich not only disability history and disability studies, but also media, the arts, political science, education, history and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked. Content includes 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):KKK Newspapers Understanding Hate in America
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
This collection includes papers promoting as well as those opposing white nationalism. It brings together for the first time local, regional, and national newspapers published by Klan organizations and by sympathetic publishers across the U.S. during this period. It also includes the voices from several anti-Klan newspapers. Formerly called Understanding Hate in America / KKK Newspapers.
More Info:
An overview of this newspaper digitization project for which Gleeson Library has contributed funding.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Docuseek provides social-issue and environmental films from leading documentary film distributors.
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On-Campus Link
Doncore was retired June 30, 2020. Doncore was an alternate interface for the library's catalog. Direct your searches to either Ignacio or Fusion. More information.
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Database Types:
Evidence-Based Practice
Reference Sources
DynaMed is a clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and other health care professionals for use at the point-of-care. With clinically-organized summaries for more than 3,200 topics, DynaMed provides the latest content and resources with validity, relevance and convenience, making DynaMed an indispensable resource for answering most clinical questions during practice.
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Database Types:
Primary Sources
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 has been hailed as the definitive resource for researching every aspect of 17th- and 18th-century America. This incomparable digital collection contains virtually every book, pamphlet and broadside published in America over a 160-year period.
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Digitized from one of the most important collections ever produced on microform, Early American Imprints, Series I is based on Charles Evans’ renowned “American Bibliography” and Roger Bristol’s supplement. Including more than 36,000 printed works and 2.3 million pages, Series I also offers new imprints not available in microform editions.

A wide variety of 17th- and 18th-century imprints
Early American Imprints, Series I is comprised of a vast range of publications, including advertisements, almanacs, bibles, broadsides, catalogs, charters and by-laws, contracts, cookbooks, elegies, eulogies, laws, maps, narratives, novels, operas, pamphlets, plays, poems, primers, sermons, songs, speeches, textbooks, tracts, travelogues, treaties and more.

Extensive indexing and easy browsing
The imprints in Series I are expertly indexed and may be browsed by genre, subjects, author, history of printing, place of publication and language. Topics covered include agriculture, astronomy, auctions, capital punishment, child rearing, commerce, constitution, diseases, education, foreign affairs, French & Indian wars, geography, Indians, Latin, lotteries, masonry, medicine, military operations, missionaries, operas, religious thought, revolutionary war, slavery, suffrage, temperance, trials, witchcraft, women, work, yellow fever and thousands more.

Two dramatic expansions of Evans, 1639-1800
Readex now offers a broad range of recently uncovered imprints, most of which were not included in either Charles Evans’ monumental work or Roger Bristol’s supplement. From the acclaimed holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia and the American Antiquarian Society come two individually available supplements to Evans, 1639-1800. Together these collections offer approximately 1,750 rare and unique items printed during a 150-year period spanning the colonial era and the formation of the new nation. Fully integrated with Evans, these two supplements enable students and scholars to locate relevant material from all three collections simultaneously.

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Database Types:
Primary Sources
Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker, 1801-1819 provides a comprehensive set of American books, pamphlets and broadsides published in the early part of the 19th century.
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It is based on the noted “American Bibliography, 1801-1819” by Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker. With more than four million pages from over 36,000 items—including 1,000 catalogued new items unavailable in previous microform editions—this digital edition from Readex is an essential complement to Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800, the definitive resource for researching 17th- and 18th-century America.

Explore the early 1800s in unprecedented depth and detail
Through Early American Imprints, Series II, students and scholars can extensively research westward expansion, the development of American arts (literature, music, painting, etc.), the progression of American political thought and much more. In addition to books, broadsides and pamphlets, the collection includes published reports and the works of many European authors reprinted for the American public. Additionally, a large number of state papers and early government materials—including presidential letters and congressional, state and territorial resolutions—chronicle the political and geographic growth of the developing American nation.

Extensive indexing by subject
The imprints in Series II are expertly indexed and grouped by genre, subject, author, history of printing, place of publication and language. Subjects include the following: 12th Amendment, abolitionism, Adams-Onis Treaty, Bible societies, canals, Embargo Act, fur trade, Hartford Convention, Lewis & Clark Expedition, Louisiana Purchase, nationalism, Panic of 1819, Romanticism, Seminole War, Tippecanoe, Treaty of Ghent, U.S. Military Academy, War of 1812 and hundreds more. In addition to searchable, OCR-generated ASCII text that is associated with each image, Early American Imprints, Series II features bibliographic records from the American Antiquarian Society, which is also upgrading the MARC records for the Readex digital edition.

On-campus link
Database Types:
Books — online
Full text of the writings of the Early Church Fathers from the first 800 years of the Church.
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These files are based on a 38 volume set of writings of the Early Church Fathers. It is divided into three series: Ante-Nicene (ANF), Nicene and Post Nicene Series I (NPNF1) and Nicene and Post Nicene Series II (NPNF2). Greek and Hebrew text is transliterated into the Roman alphabet.
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Database Types:
Books — online
This remarkable collection demonstrates the impact of the holy book of Islam in Europe. Long before printing with movable type became common practice in the Islamic world, Korans had been printed in Arabic type in several European cities. The collection includes Korans and Koran translations, printed between 1537 and 1857, and is of interest to book historians, theologians, philologists, and scholars of Islamic Studies alike.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Digital version of Ebony Magazine, a monthly magazine with a focus on news, culture, and entertainment targeted at the Black community. Coverage includes its first issue in 1945 through 2014. This full-text archive of more than 800 issues provides analysis on Black business, history, politics, entertainment, fashion and culture.
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Database Types:
Books — online
Nearly 160,000 academic ebooks (with unlimited user access) in a wide variety of subjects,
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Includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, MIT Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier Ltd.; Brill Academic Publishers; Taylor & Francis Ltd; Sage Publications, Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Using ebooks

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Database Types:
Books — online
More than 165,000 academic ebooks in a wide variety of subjects with unlimited user access.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Ebsco Religion allows you to search the following databases simultaneously:
ATLA Religion Database
Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
Index to Jewish Periodicals
New Testament Abstracts
Old Testament Abstracts
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
EconLit, the American Economic Association's electronic database, is the world's foremost source of references to economic literature with citations and abstracts to economic research dating back to 1886.
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It provides links to full-text articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics, and much more.

EconLit uses the JEL classification system and controlled vocabulary of keywords to index six types of records: journal articles, books, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers, and full-text book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature. These sources bring the total records available in the database to more than 1.2 million.

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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
For over 170 years, the Economist has reported on the world's political, business, scientific, technological, and cultural developments and the connections between them, appealing to the world's elite for its economic and political analysis.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Education Magazine Archive provides access to the digitized backfiles of 26 major magazines and trade publications in the field of education, dating from 1910 to 2015.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Education Source is designed to meet the needs of education students, professionals and policy makers. The collection includes full text for more than 1,700 journals, 550 books and monographs, education-related conference papers, citations for over 4 million articles including book reviews and over 100,000 controlled and cross-referenced names of educational tests.
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Coverage in Education Source spans all levels of education from early childhood to higher education and also includes educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education and testing. Subject matter includes Adult Education, Continuing Education, Distance Learning, Government Funding, Multicultural/Ethic Education, Social Issues, Student Counseling, Vocational Education as well as many others.

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Database Types:
Books — online
Primary Sources
EEBO: Early English Books Online contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700 -- from the first book printed in English by William Caxton, through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare and the tumult of the English Civil War
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This incomparable collection now contains more than 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. Libraries possessing this collection find they are able to fulfill the most exhaustive research requirements of graduate scholars - from their desktop - in many subject areas, including English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science.

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Alternate Name(s):ECCO
Database Types:
Books — online
Primary Sources
Digital images of every page of 150,000 books published during the 18th Century. With full-text searching of approximately 33 million pages--in essence, every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom, along with thousands of important works from the Americas.
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The value of this collection is that it makes available online hard-to-find material in every academic discipline, including:

History and Geography: Ancient and contemporary history, accounts of voyages and discoveries, historical biographies and memoirs, genealogical collections, gazetteers, works on church antiquities and tourist guides of Britain. Topics include chronologies, recreation (travel, sports, parlor games), military history, maps, local history and topography. It should also be noted that this collection presents a comprehensive picture of the American Revolution from the British perspective.

Social Science: Materials on manufacturers and merchants, artisans and skilled workers, and international business, banking, taxation and lotteries. Topics include current events, social reform, business/economics/finance (general advertising, lotteries, trade bills and more), political science (parliamentary papers, political satire, political essays, speech/addresses, handbills, parish registers, poll books and more).

Fine Arts, Music, Art and Architecture: Treatises on music, painting, theater and architecture as well as books on building and carpentry, catalogs pertaining to vocal and instrumental music, paintings, prints, drawings, coins and metals and other collectibles, and material about private art collections.

Medicine, Science and Technology: Many branches of science, works on applied science and technology, and works and treatises on the treatment of diseases and conditions. Topics include agriculture, cookbooks, military technology, natural philosophy, scientific education and more.

Literature and Language: Celebrated eighteenth-century essayists, novelists, poets and playwrights, as well as Shakespeare's plays, poems and collected works. Topics include drama, poetry, ballads, religious poems, grammar, dictionaries, songs from plays, satire, book catalogues and more.

Religion and Philosophy: From sermons, Bibles and prayer books to moral and ethical debates and prescriptions for proper conduct.

Law: Development of law in the British Empire between 1701 and 1800. Topics include acts, criminal and international law, appellants' cases and more.

Reference: Ephemeral material on the whole of life in the eighteenth century. Topics include almanacs, catalogues and more.
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Alternate Name(s):Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
An archival research resource containing primary sources for studying the history of the film and television industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to the 21st century. Titles include American Cinematographer (1920-2015), Hollywood Reporter (1930-2015), and more.
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Alternate Name(s):Economist Intelligence Unit
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
Country profiles and economic reports, current economic events for nearly 200 countries or economic territories.
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Alternate Name(s):Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
Database Types:
Reference Sources
eLS features over 5,000 specially commissioned, peer-reviewed and citable articles in the life sciences. eLS articles are written by leaders in the field to provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage of each subject area.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Comprising over 500 entries on the essential topics and informed by the latest theory and research, this innovative reference resource offers a state-of-the-art survey of the fields of criminology and criminal justice. It combines this breadth of coverage with the authority and international perspective of an experienced editorial team, creating a definitive reference resource for students, scholars, and professionals.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
A six-volume survey of modern Asia, defined as extending from Japan in the east to Turkey in the west, and from Kazakhstan in the north to Indonesia in the south. Presents more than 2,600 alphabetically arranged entries covering such subjects as countries, cities, regions, natural features, religions, social issues, languages, people, events, customs, politics, and economics. For students, researchers, and general readers.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
EBR offers the current state of knowledge on the origins and development of the Bible in Judaism and Christianity. EBR also documents the history of the Bible's reception in the Christian churches and the Jewish Diaspora; in Islam, in other religious traditions, as well as in literature, art, music, and film.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides a reference to the peoples of the Asia-Pacific region east of the Caspian Sea, not including the countries of the Middle East. Covers the major peoples that for a time maintained a cultural identity in the area, from ancient to modern times, describing their history, migration, culture, belief system, social organization, and relationship to other peoples.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Engineering Source is a database for professionals and researchers across all engineering disciplines, including biomedical, civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental and software. It includes hundreds of full-text engineering journals, magazines and trade publications, plus books, conference papers and more.
Engineering Village
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Environment Complete offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.
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Environment Complete contains more than 1,957,000 records from more than 1,700 domestic and international titles going back to the 1940s (including 1,125 active core titles) as well as more than 120 monographs. The database also contains full text for more than 680 journals, including many of the most used journals in the discipline, such as Environment(back to 1975), Ecologist, Conservation Biology, etc. Additionally, Environment Complete provides full text for 120 monographs, such as Encyclopedia of World Environmental History (3 volumes), Advances in Water Treatment & Environmental Management, etc.

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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
The ERIC database, the world's largest source of education information, contains more than a million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice. It also contains the complete text of more than 1600 ERIC Digests, two-page research syntheses, which are among the ERIC system's most popular offerings; approximately 100 new titles are produced each year.
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Subject coverage of all aspects of educational research and resources, including: career, adult, vocational, technical, and teacher education; education of persons with handicaps, of the disadvantaged and gifted; early childhood education; junior colleges and higher education; reading and communication skills; languages and linguistics; education management; counseling and personnel services; library and information science; information resources; urban education; rural education and small schools; science, mathematics and environment; social studies and social sciences; tests, measurement and evaluation.

Journal literature corresponds to Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE) and report literature corresponds to Resources in Education (RIE).

You can access the ERIC database via the Internet through the National Library of Education (free public ERIC) or via the commercial vendor site provided by the library. The database is updated monthly, ensuring that the information you receive is timely and accurate.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
The Esquire Magazine Archive, 1933-2014, delivers cover-to-cover content of the award-winning American men’s magazine in the areas of politics, men’s fashion, entertainment, fiction and pop culture.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Citations to essays and articles published 1900-1984.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Newspapers — Current
Ethnic NewsWatch covers 1990 to present and includes newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The publications offer both national and regional coverage
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Ethnic NewsWatch is the only current database devoted to presenting multi-ethnic and multi-cultural publications in one resource. Coverage begins in 1990 and is updated daily with new content. Many of the titles are not found in any other aggregated resource.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
Europa World is the online version of the Europa World Year Book, the indispensable source of information on world-wide affairs. First published in 1926, the year book is renowned as one of the world's leading reference works, covering political and economic information in over 250 countries and territories, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
This archive is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750 from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750.
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The authoritative bibliography is well-known and respected by scholars worldwide, and is a valuable index for libraries, researchers and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. It was co-developed by John Alden and the Curator of European Books at The John Carter Brown Library, Dennis Landis. This electronic index represents a wide range of topics, from the British/French/Dutch in America to natural disasters, religious orders, slavery and more. The John Carter Brown Library, founded in 1846, is a foremost repository of rare books and materials and is a center for advanced research in history and the humanities.

Content Includes:
More than 32,000 records
Coverage of European exploration and portrayals of Native American peoples

Subjects include:
British in America
Dutch in America
French in America
Great Britain—Colonies
Jesuits (and other religious orders) in America
Slave trade

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Comprises the run of the renowned newsweekly (1946-2009). Known for its authoritative reporting, this publication was devoted to many facets of the Asia-Pacific region, including politics, economics, international relations, and the arts/culture. Following an initial emphasis on China and Hong Kong, the scope of the magazine’s coverage subsequently expanded to encompass other regions and countries, including Japan, India and Australia, as well as smaller Asian states.
FDsys: Federal Digital System
See: govinfo
Database Types:
Government Information
This database provides access to research published by the Board of Governors and all 12 Federal Reserve Banks. Coverage includes the core economic reviews, as well as specialized regional and international publications, working papers, and annual report essays. Also included are selected speeches, community development publications, and conference papers.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Because of the explosion of research in Women's Studies during the past two decades, scholars and students interested in women during the Middle Ages find an ever-growing flood of publications.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Filmakers Library Online provides award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum—race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more.
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On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Films On Demand delivers more than 90,000 educational online videos ideal for students and faculty.
More Info:
Thousands of exclusive educational videos from top producers, segmented into easy-to-use clips
Unlimited, simultaneous, 24/7 access, in class or off site

iPad, Android, PC, and Mac friendly

New content added monthly, with more than 1,000 new titles added a year

Closed-captioning and interactive transcripts for thousands of titles

Authenticated HTML embed code that allows direct access to videos from within Canvas, or other LMS

Dynamic citations in Chicago, MLA, and APA styles

Note: There is a known issue creating custom segments, using filters, and paging through results after executing a search. If you run into these issues, please access Films on Demand on-campus:

On-Campus Link
  • Resource contains content that is only available for a limited time.
Database Types:
Expanded Access
Video and Film
This collection will help prepare future allied health professionals for practice across a diverse range of health care settings, whether they are learning how to draw blood, administer medications, or help deliver a baby. The videos include titles from trusted producers such as Medcom-Trainex, Elsevier, NEVCO, Center for Phlebotomy Education, InJoy Health Education, Classroom Productions, and others.To support online learning, Infobase has made this collection freely accessible temporarily.
  • Resource contains content that is only available for a limited time.
Database Types:
Expanded Access
Video and Film
This collection brings together videos from such trusted producers as Wolters Kluwer Health, Castalia Media, Healthy Learning, U.S. Kinesiology Training Institute, and PESI, Inc., that will help physical therapy students learn and practice crucial techniques in ways textbooks alone cannot. Aspiring physical therapists can find short instructional clips that cover a wide range of physical therapy interventions and examinations—from stretching techniques to wrapping a shin splint—as well as seminars from top trainers and in-depth documentaries on the history of physical and occupational therapy, massage, and biomechanics. To support online learning, Infobase has made this collection freely accessible temporarily.
Database Types:
Laws and Legislation
FindLaw's Cases and Codes section contains resources and links for both state and federal laws. This includes resources pertaining to constitutions, statutes, cases and more. Run a search for case summaries or select a jurisdiction to browse applicable laws.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Forbes Magazine Archive is the world’s only complete digital version of the Forbes backfile. With coverage starting at the magazine’s first issue in 1917, the archive offers over 90 years’ worth of content up to 2010.
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Forbes has delivered key insight on the business and financial world for nearly a century. This fully searchable full-text archive provides analysis on business leaders, politics, entertainment, technology, communication, culture, and style.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
The Fortune Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the long-running business magazine dating from its very first issue in February, 1930 through December, 2000 in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
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Published monthly by Time Inc., the magazine sought to provide news and analysis of both American and, later, international business, economics, technology, and industry. Each issue featured vivid color illustrations and photographs, as well as high-quality feature articles, published at a time when most business magazines were merely black and white compendiums of statistics and figures.

The cover-to-cover format means each issue is presented in its entirety, including the front and back covers as well as all articles and advertisements contained in the original publication. Everything has been indexed with relevant subject terms to ensure that researchers and readers can quickly and accurately find what they are looking for. The Fortune Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.

On-Campus Link
Database Types:
Government Information
Statistics and Data
FRASER preserves and provides access to economic and banking data and policy documents from the Federal Reserve System.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Government Information
Statistics and Data
This site offers a wealth of economic data and information to promote economic education and enhance economic research. The widely used database FRED is updated regularly and allows 24/7 access to regional and national financial and economic data.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Articles selected for indexing from 300 periodicals focus on art history and works of art. The index features access points important for research, including artists, artworks, private and public collections, exhibitions, and reproductions; coverage is from mid-1850 to the late 1960s.
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This comprehensive index from the renowned Frick Art Reference Library of The Frick Collection provides a unique selection of art history periodicals. Journals covered in this index were published in a broad selection of languages that include English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, and Scandinavian.

Content Includes:

Nearly 300 art history periodicals
Coverage from mid-1850 to late 1960s
International range of publications
Western European and American fine arts
Coverage of some decorative arts from the 4th to 19th centuries

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Alternate Name(s):EDS: EBSCO Discovery Service
Database Types:
Books — online
Books — print
Journals & Magazines — Current
Newspapers — Current
Video and Film
Fusion allows you to search, in one place, the majority of the library’s books, articles, videos, etc. It includes all the materials in our library catalog Ignacio, as well as the content of the majority of our many databases.
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Questions and Answers:

Does Fusion include everything the library has?
No, but it includes so much of what the library has that it will almost always be a good place to start a search.

When would Fusion not make sense as the first place to search?
Some examples:
  • If you’re interested in finding only books, or a specific book title, then our library catalog Ignacio might be a more appropriate place to begin.
  • If you’re looking specifically for statistical data, or encyclopedia/dictionary entries, or images, it would be better to use databases devoted to those specific types of information.
  • If you're looking for a specific Journal title, you should use our Journal Finder.
  • I’m very proficient using the subject-specific databases in my field. Is there any reason I should use Fusion?
  • Because Fusion will have such broad coverage, it may locate relevant materials published in other fields that you wouldn’t otherwise find in a subject-specific database.

So then why would I want to choose a subject-specific database anymore—can I just use Fusion instead?
Fusion is not replacing any of our subject-specific databases. These databases offer valuable advanced searching capabilities tailored to their subject areas.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
A premier resource for peer-reviewed, full-text journals and reference sources, Gale Academic OneFile is a sophisticated, current and easy-to-use resource for extensive research. With millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full text, researchers are able to find accurate information quickly.
More Info:
Gale Academic OneFile includes:

More than 14,000 titles, including more than 9,000 peer-reviewed journals and more than 6,000 in full text
Full text of The New York Times from 1985 to present
Thousands of podcasts and transcripts from NPR, CNN and CBC
Links to medical videos
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Database Types:
Citation Index
A reader’s advisory database, featuring read-alikes, reviews, award winners, themed booklists, and more. This resource answers the question, “What do I read next?”
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Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
Covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including finance, management, marketing, human resources, franchising, accounting, and taxes. Includes hundreds of sample business plans, eBooks, as well as content from over 300 business journals and magazines.
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Database Types:
Financial & Market Data
Detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. Thousands of company histories and industry essays from Gale's core business collection. Case studies, scholarly journals, and business news for deep research coverage of global economies.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Includes a variety of directories including the Encyclopedia of Associations, and the National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations.
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Multiple directories can be cross-searched or users can mine individual directories for the particular kinds of data they contain, such as financial information for companies, circulation figures for publications, and much more.

Titles include:

Business Rankings Annual
Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.
Market Share Reporter
National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations
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Alternate Name(s):GVRL: Gale Virtual Reference Library
Database Types:
Books — online
Reference Sources
A great place to begin your research, Gale eBooks offers thousands of authoritative articles published in academic encyclopedias, and written by subject experts. Gale eBooks provides information you can not only trust, but cite in a paper as well. Formerly called GVRL: Gale Virtual Reference Library.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides access to full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and more. This comprehensive consumer health resource includes authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Reference Sources
Provides coverage of the most searched and studied people, built on a foundation of more than 650,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. Includes authoritative reference content alongside videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles from hundreds of major periodicals and newspapers.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Provides interdisciplinary content that reinforces the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Includes full-text newspapers and periodicals like The Economist, The New York Times, National Geographic, Newsweek, Popular Science, Smithsonian, and more.
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Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
Reference Sources
Provides access to comprehensive information regarding the study of sustainability and the environment. Topics include ecosystems, global warming, automobile emissions, food safety, and environmental disasters.
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Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
Primary Sources
Reference Sources
Provides access to information about important issues of the modern world from a global perspective. Topics explore issues within government, law, health, science and technology, society and culture, and more by way of news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, and statistics.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics, covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, and more. Includes millions of full-text articles that from national and global publications, 200+ science experiments, 300+ interactive simulations, other multimedia, and top reference content.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Reference Sources
Provides contextual information on hundreds of the most significant U.S. people, events and topics ranging from the arrival of the first stirrings of the American Revolution and on through the Civil Rights movement, 9/11, and the War on Terror. Content includes reference works, millions of news and periodical articles, and more than 5,000 rare and vital primary source documents that range from slave journals to presidential papers.
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Database Types:
Primary Sources
Reference Sources
Provides a chronicle of the people, cultures, events, and societies that have formed the history of the human race. Includes rare primary sources, reliable reference, and multi-media content.
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Alternate Name(s):artemis, Gale: Literary Sources
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Gale Literature combines the content of several Gale databases: Literature Resource Center, Literary Criticism Online, and more, forming the world’s most current, comprehensive and reliable online literature database. Its rich critical, biographical and contextual content supports interdisciplinary approaches, information literacy and the development of critical-thinking skills.
More Info:
Full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines are combined with critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, biographies, and more to provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements. Researchers at all levels will find the information they need, with content covering all genres and disciplines, all time periods and all parts of the world.

Also included is content from Literature Criticism Online, the largest curated online collection of literary criticism in the world, this resource brings together 10 acclaimed multidisciplinary series representing a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):Literature Criticism Online
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Reviews and criticism on literature from all eras.Full-text and excerpted criticism, essays, and reviews of literary works beginning from the date of publication, up to the present. Particularly useful for looking at the reception of a work in its own time, or to view the changing reputation of a work or author over time. Formerly called Literature Criticism Online.
More Info:
Online version of the following print series:

Contemporary Literary Criticism
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism
Shakespeare Criticism
Literature Criticism 1400-1800
Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism
Poetry Criticism
Short Story Criticism
Drama Criticism
Children’s Literature Review
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Citation Index
Includes more than 5.6 million book reviews, allowing users to conduct research in numerous disciplines, including literature, history, education, psychology, and more.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides access to literary works and secondary-source materials covering world literature and authors throughout history. Includes 132,000 full-text poems and 670,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. Biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary are also included.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators. Includes both the main series and Something About the Author Autobiography Series, totaling more than 217 volumes, 12,000 entries, and nearly 17,000 images.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Provides access to leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries. Includes more than 600 journals and periodicals, providing information on computer-related product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Provides access to current and historical full text coverage of issues that influence women's lives across the globe. Content covers topics including civil rights, health, education, professional development, and entrepreneurship.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
Journals & Magazines — Current
Provides access to journals that explore cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community. Includes more than 2.7 million articles from 150 journals, updated daily.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
Journals & Magazines — Current
Provides access to scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family, and marital issues, LGBTQ community, and more.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Reference Sources
Provides access to a wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Citation Index
Laws and Legislation
Provides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including more than 200 titles in full text. Includes coverage of federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice and taxation, as well as British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Newspapers — Current
Provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
Journals & Magazines — Current
Provides access to scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture. The database offers useful information for researchers in social science, history, art or liberal arts courses.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):artemis
Database Types:
Primary Sources
Gale Primary Sources allows researchers to uncover primary source documents in archives where they may not have thought to look, greatly enhancing their research experience. By building a seamless research environment for multiple collections, Gale is creating the largest digital humanities and social sciences collection in the world.
More Info:
Gale Primary Sources searches across these databases:

Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
Sabin Americana, 1500-1926
The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2008
The Times Literary Supplement

On the Gale platform, users can engage with primary sources in ways that were never before possible through subject indexing and a range of cutting edge interactive tools:

Term Frequency

This allows users to see the frequency of their search term(s) in the content over time, which can suggest the importance of particular concepts during given periods. It allows users to ask new questions of historical data, e.g., Is there a connection between "bread" and "revolution"? Does the frequency of the word "Empire" coincide with the rise of the term "tragedy" and "comedy" in popular discourse?

Term Clusters

Users can see terms that commonly occur in relation to their own search term, which helps uncover hidden connections, or can be a helpful starting point in the early stages of research. The term cluster for "disaster" might bring up related topics such as "Mining Disaster," "Fire," or "Earthquake," prompting users down different research paths.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Letters & Diaries
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Provides access to primary source documents organized by topic, including: African American studies, American Indian studies, Asian studies, British history, Holocaust studies, LGBT studies, Latin America and Caribbean studies, Middle East studies, political science, religious studies, and women’s studies.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):Gale Access Program
Database Types:
Books — online
Hot Topics & Issues
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Newspapers — Current
Primary Sources
Reference Sources
Search across multiple Gale resources, including general research databases, primary sources databases, literature databases, and more. Contains scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, ebooks, and other sources.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Primary Sources
Gateway to North America contains over 800,000 pages of content from over 1,500 print and manuscript directories, member lists, travel guides and other sources, chronicling the people and organizations of New York City from the late 18th through the early 20th century.
More Info:
During the “Long 19th Century,” New York City was the focal point in North America for industry, trade, commerce and immigration. Gateway to North America is a unique collection of historical directories, member lists and other name-rich sources from the New-York Historical Society (N-YHS), and features materials that track individuals and organizations over time and place.

Content Highlights Include:

Residential, trade and occupational directories
Membership lists for professional groups, philanthropic and governmental institutions,
ethnic organizations, religious groups and leisure clubs
Names and physical descriptions of Civil War deserters and the incarcerated
Illustrated advertisements
Commercial listings by trade
Descriptions of local philanthropic, religious and governmental institutions
Travel schedules
Postal and tax rates
Town histories
Sources Include:

Yearbooks and annuals
Tax lists
Elite blue books
Vital records
Burial lists
Biographical dictionaries
Maps Include:

Land development and internal improvements over time
Travel routes
Locations of government buildings, churches and schools
Concentrations of wealth and poverty
Spread of disease

On-Campus Link
Alternate Name(s):world bank worldbank
Database Types:
Statistics and Data
The Gender Data Portal is the World Bank Group’s comprehensive source for the latest sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics covering demography, education, health, access to economic opportunities, public life and decision-making, and agency.
Database Types:
Financial & Market Data
Access provided by the Career Services Center — GoinGlobal is useful for international job hunting, as well as researching the business environment and cultural considerations for over 120 locations including countries and select US and global cities. Key features include corporate profiles, a proprietary H1B visa search engine and 16 million-plus job and internship postings. It also includes international business resources including country and city career guides.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Click "more" below to customize Google Scholar to access USF library journal subscriptions.
More Info:
Customize Google Scholar to provide full-text links to journal articles available through Gleeson Library subscriptions:

If you are on campus, Google Scholar should recognize you as a USF user and link you to the full text.

If you are working from an off-campus location, you will need to manually activate USF's Full Text Finder in Google Scholar Library Links:

1. Go to the Google Scholar search page.
2. In the upper left corner of the page, press the button made of three horizontal lines to open a new menu.
3. Click "Settings."
4. Select "Library links" and search for "University of San Francisco."
5. Check "University of San Francisco – Full Text Finder" in the search results, then click Save.

When you search Google Scholar, you should now see "Full Text Finder" links to the right of your results. Click on these links to check if USF has access to your article.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Alternate Name(s):Federal Digital System FDsys
Database Types:
Government Information
Provides free online access to official United States government publications. Maintained by the United States Government Publishing Office (GPO). Formerly called FDsys.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects.
More Info:
Multidisciplinary by nature, GreenFILE draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 538,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 5,800 records.

On-Campus Link
GVRL: Gale Virtual Reference Library


  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):Hispanic American Periodicals Index
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
The Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI) provides complete bibliographic citations to the contents of scholarly journals published around the world on Latin America and the Caribbean since 1970. Our coverage includes everything from political, economic, and social issues to the arts and humanities.
More Info:
HAPI currently indexes over 380 journals and includes the contents of over 675 journals dating back to our start in the 1970s. About 80% of our currently indexed titles include links to full text sources - and many of those are freely available through open access policies. Where we've found the full text we'll provide links to that content in your search results.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
A comprehensive, searchable archive of every page, advertisement, and cover of the Harper's Bazaar US and UK editions, from 1867 to the present. The issues are reproduced as high-resolution color page images and supported by fully searchable text and article-level indexing. This resource comprises a chronicle of American, British, and international fashion, culture, and society, supporting researchers by offering unique insights into the events, attitudes, and interests of the modern era. Coverage: 1867 - current
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Also featured are abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals.
More Info:
Coverage of nursing and allied health is particularly strong, including full text from Creative Nursing, Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Journal of Community Health Nursing, Journal of Nursing Management, Nursing Ethics, Nursing Forum, Nursing Inquiry, and many more. In addition, this database includes AHFS Consumer Medication Information, which includes Drug information monographs written in lay language for consumers.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Government Information
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Laws and Legislation
HeinOnline is the world’s largest fully searchable, image-based government document and legal research database. It contains comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,300 scholarly journals; U.S. Statutory materials; all of the world’s constitutions; all U.S. treaties; collections of classic treatises and presidential documents; access to the full text of state and federal case law powered by Fastcase; and more.
More Info:
On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Historical Abstracts covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more.
More Info:
This authoritative database provides indexing of more than 2,300 academic historical journals in over 40 languages back to 1955. History and social science researchers have used Historical Abstracts to discover significant and groundbreaking work for more than 50 years.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):Readex Primary Sources for Colleges
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Full text of more than 100 historical American newspapers from 1690 to 1922.
More Info:
On Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Statistics and Data
Statistical tables covering population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations. Data from as early as 1600, and as late as 2002, with the majority falling between 1790 and 1990.
More Info:
On-Campus Link
Database Types:
The Handbook is a bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, the multidisciplinary Handbook alternates annually between the social sciences and the humanities.
More Info:
Each year, more than 130 academics from around the world choose over 5,000 works for inclusion in the Handbook. Continuously published since 1936, the Handbook offers Latin Americanists an essential guide to available resources.
Database Types:
Government Information
Primary Sources
The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) is the nation's premier collection of documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management.
More Info:
Sources include, but are not limited to:

Federal, state and local governments
International governments and institutions
Nonprofit organizations and private sector entities
Think tanks, research centers, colleges and universities

On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. This collection contains more than 828,000 records, with coverage dating as far back as 1965. There is full text for more than 480 publications, including periodicals, company & country reports, and books.
More Info:
Full text periodicals include Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Current Issues in Tourism, Hotel & Motel Management, International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Leisure Research, Journal of Sport Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Leisure Sciences, Nation's Restaurant News, Restaurant Business, Tourism & Hospitality Research, Tourism Review, and many more.

Sources are both domestic and international in range and scope, with material collected from countries and regions such as Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia.

Subject areas covered include the culinary arts, demographics & statistics, development & investment, food & beverage management, hospitality law, hotel management & administrative practices, leisure & business travel, market trends, technology and more.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Humanities Source is designed to meet the needs of students, researchers and educators interested in all aspects of the humanities. The collection includes full text for more than 1,400 journals, with citations to over 3.5 million articles, including book reviews, and indexing back to 1907.
More Info:
The most comprehensive resource available in its field, Humanities Sourceprovides full text—plus abstracts and bibliographic indexing—for the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities, including feature articles, interviews, obituaries, bibliographies, original works of fiction, drama and poetry, books review, and reviews of ballets, dance programs, motion pictures, musicals, operas, plays, radio and television programs.

On-Campus Link


  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Financial & Market Data
Reference Sources
Information on over 700 US Industries in the US economy.
More Info:
Classifying Industry Reports at the 5-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), IBISWorld Industry Reports are at the granular level covering industry-specific titles from the popular to the not so popular. Each Industry Report is some 35-50 pages in length with abridged, 6-page Executive Summaries also available.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
A collection of over 60 books published by IGI Global on social use of information, social media and organizations working in virtual environments.
More Info:
On-Campus Link
Database Types:
Books — online
Books — print
Library Catalogs
Video and Film
The library catalog lets you search across the holdings of Gleeson Library and Zief Law Library, including books, videos, and other materials.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Books — online
Primary Sources
The online collection is growing to include 5,000 individual volumes, with 650,000 pages and more than a million images. Each book tells a small piece of American history. But when researched together with Alexander Street's Semantic Indexing, the collection becomes a massive and powerful primary-source research tool, a tapestry of the places and people that have made America.
More Info:
For Scholarship, Study, and Personal Research

For academic scholarship, the collection will have broad departmental relevance, showing the personal stories and photos of immigrants, laborers, and newsmakers; documenting the local architecture of homes and businesses; showing images of racism and tolerance; delivering history as observed in real time. The photos are from historical societies, archives, and private collections. The texts are written by local historians—people with deep and personal knowledge of their communities. In many instances, the authors are protagonists in the historical events they describe, with family photographs, primary documents, and other materials that are inaccessible outside of these publications.

Examples of academic disciplines served include:

Sports history, recreation—Major leagues, local teams, and their influences on communities: Metro Detroit Boxing; Gold in the Ozarks; Central Park Zoo; New York City Vaudeville; New York Giants; Hockey in Providence
Architecture and urban studies—How spaces were used in the past: Lost Ann Arbor; Cemeteries Around Lake Winnipesaukee; Railroad Depots of West Central Ohio
Race and gender—Italians in Detroit; Jewish Community of North Minneapolis; The Chinese Community of Stockton; An Oral History of Tahlequah and The Cherokee Nation
Labor and organizational history—Army, Coast Guard, canal workers, nurses, police departments, fire departments, unions, factory conditions: Firefighting in Frederick; Fairchild Aircraft; The Long Island Railroad; Straub Brewery; WNAX 570 Radio
War—New Hampshire in the Civil War; Cincinnati: The World War II years
Religion—The Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh

New Tools for Search and Discovery

Alexander Street has indexed the books using a new thesaurus created specifically for this collection. Places, people, dates, events, architectural features, and ethnicities are some of the index terms, making searches such as these easy:

Find African American schools in DeKalb County, Georgia.
Find pictures of coal miners in Kentucky and Virginia from 1900 to 1950.
Find examples of neocolonial architecture in the Northeast and Southwest.
Find pictures and descriptions of college football games in Nebraska in the 1950s.
Find depictions of the Irish American community in Youngstown, Ohio. In all of the Midwest. Compared to the Italian-American communities in these areas.
Find Jewish butchers in Chicago in the 1920s.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Alternate Name(s):International Monetary Fund eLibrary
Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Statistics and Data
Working Papers & Pre-Prints
The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary provides direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools. You will find information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and more.
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):ProQuest History Vault
Database Types:
Government Information
Primary Sources
Reference Sources
Investigative files of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) covering Asian, Mexican, and European immigration as well as the regulation of prostitution, white slavery, and the suppression of radical immigrants.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Open Access
Independent Voices is a digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
More Info:
On Campus Link
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Open Access
Images and descriptive data related to works of art produced between late Antiquity and the sixteenth century. Includes secular subjects as well as those from medieval Christian, Jewish, and Islamic culture.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Index to Jewish Periodicals is the definitive index on Jewish history, activity and thought. This database provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles, book reviews, and feature stories in more than 230 journals devoted to Jewish affairs.
More Info:
Titles include Contemporary Jewry, Holy Land Studies, Jewish Culture & History, Journal of Palestine Studies, Studies in American Jewish Literature, and many more. Most references are not found in standard periodical literature guides. Index to Jewish Periodicals is intended for students of Jewish thought and others interested in contemporary Jewish and Middle Eastern affairs. Journal coverage dates back as far as 1988.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981 is an archive index covering legal periodicals published in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand between 1908 and 1981. Topics include criminal law, federal law, international law, medical law and more.
More Info:
On-Campus Link
Alternate Name(s):Sponsored Research Information Network
Access provided by the Office of Contracts and Grants. A comprehensive database of over 1,200 public and private funding sources, including federal, state, and foundation opportunities for all academic disciplines. You must create a profile to access this resource, see: InfoED SPIN User Guide. Email if you have questions.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Inspec (1898-present) is the leading bibliographic database providing abstracts and indexing to the world’s scientific and technical papers in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computing, information technology, manufacturing, production and mechanical engineering.
More Info:
Containing more than 11 million records, Inspec provides coverage from over 5,000 journals, more than 2,500 conference proceedings as well as numerous books, dissertations, patents and reports. In addition to the core subject areas, Inspec also provides significant coverage in related disciplines such as materials science, oceanography, nuclear engineering, geophysics, biomedical engineering and many more.

See Inspec Analytics to explore the data within Inspec and discover trends patterns and trends in engineering, computing & physics research.

On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Inspec Analytics enables research professionals to explore beyond the literature in Inspec to uncover trends and patterns across a wide range of physics and engineering disciplines at both local and global levels.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides histories of companies that are a leading influence in a particular industry or geographic location. For students, job candidates, business executives, historians and investors.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
With nearly 2,000 articles written by scholars from fifty countries, the Encyclopedia covers the full spectrum of dance—theatrical, ritual, dance-drama, folk, traditional, ethnic, and social dance. Cultural and national overviews are accompanied by entries on dance forms, music and costumes, performances, and biographies of dancers and choreographers.
More Info:
On campus link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Addresses issues, theories, and concepts that have substantively contributed to the development of intercultural communication theory and research. Five themes of intercultural communication: cross-cultural communication, cultural communication, intergroup communication, intercultural training, and critical intercultural communication, address issues of ethnicity and race in intercultural communication as an integral part of each thematic area. This encyclopedia features the perspective of communication scholars as well as cross-cultural psychology, cultural anthropology, and social psychology.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Books — online
More than 4 million books and texts that can be viewed or borrowed online. Before you attempt to borrow a book you will need to sign up for a free account . Books may be borrowed for up to 1 hour (renewable) to 14 days, depending on availability. See FAQs about borrowing books from the Internet Archive.


  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):ProQuest History Vault
Database Types:
Letters & Diaries
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entry into World War II in December 1941, the Roosevelt administration decided that for reasons of “military necessity,” the government would evacuate all persons of Japanese heritage from the West Coast states. The Records of the War Relocation Authority document the day-to-day running of the 10 relocation camps from 1942-1946. The collection is organized by relocation center. Records include reports and correspondence on issues such as security, education, health, vocational training, agriculture, food, and family welfare.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
African American magazine with focus on art, news, politics, fashion and entertainment. Coverage from its first issue in 1951 through 2014.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Full text of older issues of journals. Access includes Arts & Sciences I-XV, Business I Collection, Health & General Sciences Collection, and the Life Sciences Collection.
More Info:
On-Campus Link


  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Video and Film
Thousands of streaming documentaries and feature films available by faculty advance request, usually for one-year licenses. Order directly from the Kanopy link or contact your library liaison for assistance. License expiration dates are noted in our catalog records.

Note: There is a known issue showing Kanopy vidoes using Airplay, although it may work with Firefox. Until Kanopy resolves the issue, use an HDCP-compliant HDMI cable to connect your laptop or other device to an external monitor or display.

  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances—including their properties, manufacturing, and uses. It also focuses on industrial processes and unit operations in chemical engineering, as well as covering fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. Additionally, environmental and health issues concerning chemical technology are also addressed.
More Info:
On Campus Link


  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Series 1 & 2: Key historical newspapers published in Latin America and the Caribbean between 1805 and 1922. Coverage features significant titles from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela, and elsewhere.
More Info:
On Campus Link
LexisNexis Academic
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Archival runs of 26 of the most influential, longest-running serial publications covering LGBT interests. Includes the pre-eminent US and UK titles – The Advocate and Gay Times, respectively. Chronicles more than six decades of the history and culture of the LGBT community. Some publications may contain explicit content. Coverage: 1954 - 2015
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Video and Film
A cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as well as the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community. This collection features documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and select feature films exploring LGBT history, gay culture and subcultures, civil rights, marriage equality, LGBT families, AIDS, transgender issues, religious perspectives on homosexuality, global comparative experiences, and other topics.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Video and Film
Digitized historical documents, photographs, sound recordings, moving pictures, books, pamphlets, maps, and other resources from the Library of Congress’s vast holdings.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):LISTA
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
More Info:
On-Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Life Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the famed photojournalism magazine, spanning its very first issue in November, 1936 through December, 2000 in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
More Info:
Published by Time Inc., the magazine has featured story-telling through documentary photographs and informative captions. Each issue visually and powerfully depicted national and international events and topical stories, providing intimate views of real people and their real life situations.

The cover-to-cover format means each issue is presented in its entirety, including the front and back covers as well as all articles and advertisements contained in the original publication. Everything has been indexed with relevant subject terms to ensure that researchers and readers can quickly and accurately find what they are looking for. Life Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-Century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.

On-Campus Link
Alternate Name(s):Link Plus
Database Types:
Books — print
Library Catalogs
Search across more than 60 libraries in California and Nevada, and request available books to be delivered to Gleeson Library in 2-4 business days. LINK+ was cancelled at the end of spring semester 2024. More information.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Literary Reference Source Plus (formerly Literary Reference Source Plus and Literary Reference Center Plus) features an expansive collection of author biographies, plot summaries and full-text essays from leading publishers. It also includes literary reference books and monographs, cover-to-cover full text for literary magazines and book reviews from the most prestigious publications. It offers poems from hundreds of sources, short stories, classic texts, author interviews and much more. Literary Reference Center Plus replaces MagillOnLiterature Plus.
More Info:
Content Highlights:

-Reference texts including Beacham’s Research Guide to Biography and Criticism (six volumes), The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature, and all of MagillOnLiterature Plus
-Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature
-Informational texts on numerous literary genres, themes and forms, as well as critical essays on specific works and authors
-Research Guide to Literary Research, Writing and Critical Reading
-Literary glossary featuring more than 1,700 terms
-Lesson plans to support classroom instruction
-Rich multimedia content to enhance curriculum delivery
Literature Criticism Online
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Database Types:
Books — online
Greek and Latin texts alongside English translations. The mission of the Loeb Classical Library, founded by James Loeb in 1911, has always been to make Greek and Latin literature accessible to the broadest range of readers.
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The digital Loeb Classical Library extends this mission into the twenty-first century. Harvard University Press is honored to renew James Loeb's vision of accessibility and presents an interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin literature. Epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture — in short, our entire Greek and Latin Classical heritage is represented here with up-to-date texts and accurate English translations. More than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts are available in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease.

Every work is classified by language, form, genre, subject, and date, making both navigation and browsing for unexplored treasures far easier than facing all those volumes on the bookshelf. Are you looking for a person or place, a quotation about love or wealth, or how a particular word has been translated in a work, by an author, or across the entire Library? You will find it quite easily, for every word of the Greek, Latin, and English is fully searchable. And whatever you find in the Library can be saved and organized as you like in your own digital workspace. You can even share your bookmarks and notes with other users, such as colleagues, students, classmates, and friends.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
A leading Canadian news and general interest magazine, providing a unique perspective on both national and international affairs. Topics include investigative reporting, opinion and analysis on politics, economy and business, science and technology, society, arts and culture, education and work.
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On campus link
MagillOnLiterature Plus
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
Database Types:
Books — online
Primary Sources
The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 represents a revolution in historical law research, opening up a wealth of hidden or previously inaccessible sources to scholars and students. This unique digital collection covers the watershed period of legal development during the 19th and early 20th centuries and is the world’s most comprehensive full-text collection of Anglo-American legal treatises of the period.
More Info:
Covers almost every aspect of American and British law
Includes casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters and speeches
Encompasses a range of analytical, theoretical and practical literature for research in United States and British legal history
Allows researchers to trace the evolution of historical and contemporary legal study in the U.S. and Britain during periods of monumental change

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Alternate Name(s):Mathematical Reviews
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Since its founding in 1940, Mathematical Reviews (MR) has aimed to serve researchers and scholars in the mathematical sciences by providing timely information on articles and books that contain new contributions to mathematical research.
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In addition, MR publishes data on advanced-level textbooks, expository papers and video cassettes that may not contain new research, but appear to be of interest to scholars and research mathematicians. It is MR policy to cover articles and books in applied areas that contain new mathematical results or give novel and interesting applications of known mathematics. 1940 to the present. Updated daily.

On-Campus Link
Database Types:
Video and Film
The films in the Media Education Foundation (MEF) Collection encourage critical thinking about the social, political, and cultural impact of American mass media.
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With a special focus on representations of gender and race, and the effects these representations have on identity and culture, MEF films are especially well-suited for use in Women's Studies, Sociology, Race Studies, Communication, Anthropology, Education, and Psychology courses.
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Database Types:
Tests and Measures
Mental Measurements Yearbook produced by the Buros Institute at the University of Nebraska, provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments. Tests in Print (TIP) serves as a comprehensive bibliography to all known commercially available tests that are currently in print in the English language.
More Info:
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Test in Print Comprehensive Records
For tests covered in both Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print, the database provides a single combined comprehensive record that combines Tests in Print Citation with the Mental Measurements Full Text Review.

On-campus link
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
For over 120 years The Merck Index has been regarded as the most authoritative and reliable source of information on chemicals, drugs and biologicals. Now this trusted resource is available online from RSC Publishing.
More Info:
The Merck Index Online offers the same highly authoritative information as the print edition in a convenient and easily searchable full text database. It contains over 11,500 monographs – including historic records not available in the print edition. The Merck Index* Online will be updated regularly with accurate information curated by experts.

Users can perform simple searches on a number of different properties and fields, construct complex multi-parameter searches, and search by chemical structure to discover:

Substance monographs

Names, synonyms and tradenames
Chemical structures
Physical properties (e.g. mp, bp, density)
Applications and usage
Bioactivity data
Literature references
Named reactions

Searchable collection of over 500 organic named reactions
Overview of each reaction with an idealised scheme and key references
Reference tables

Common abbreviations

Human and veterinary drugs
Biotech drugs and monoclonal antibodies
Substances used for medical imaging
Biologicals and natural products
Plant and herbal medicines
Nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals
Laboratory reagents and catalysts
Dyes, colour and indicators
Environmentally significant substances
Food additives and nutritional supplements
Flavours and fragrances
Agricultural chemicals, pesticides and herbicides
Industrial and specialty chemicals

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Alternate Name(s):Market Atlas
Database Types:
Financial & Market Data

Provides in-depth information about public companies, industries, countries, and more. Note: This database will replace Mergent Online on June 30, 2025. We will offer links to both resources until that date.

  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Financial & Market Data

Detailed company information including 15 years of financial statements. Note: This database will be retired June 30, 2025 and replaced by Mergent Market Atlas. We will offer links to both resources until that date.

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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
Government Information
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current

Full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. Designed to offer current news to military members, analysts, policy makers, students and researchers.

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Database Types:
Research, Writing, and Publishing Tools
The Modern Language Association's Directory of Periodicals offers detailed information on more than 6,500 journals, with 4,400 currently indexed in the Bibliography. Entries include editorial contact information as well as frequency, circulation, subscription prices and submission guidelines.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Indexes materials from 1921 to the present in academic disciplines such as literature, literary theory and criticism, language, folklore, linguistics, and the dramatic arts.
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The MLA International Bibliography provides searchable access to more than 2 million bibliographic citations to journal articles, books, dissertations, and scholarly websites.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Opera in Video contains five hundred hours of the most important opera performances, captured on video through staged productions, interviews, and documentaries. Selections represent the world’s best performers, conductors, and opera houses and are based on a work’s importance to the operatic canon.
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On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Music Online: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music is the first comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world's peoples. More than 9,000 pages of material, combined with entries by more than 700 expert contributors from all over the world, make this the most complete body of work focused on world music.
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Each volume contains an overview of the region, a survey of its musical heritage, traditions and themes; and a description of specific musical genres, practices, and performances. Articles include detailed photographs that show musicians, musical instrument, and the cultural context of dances, rituals, and ceremonies. Other images include drawings, maps, and musical examples for further study.

The second release includes the entire set of 10 print volumes (over 9,200 pages) as well as complete indexing for genre, subject, instrument, place, person, ensemble, and cultural group, as well as links to the associated audio examples for each volume.

Since its first publication in 1997, The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music has been the pre-eminent reference work for research in ethnomusicology. It has won numerous awards, including the Dartmouth Medal, the New York Public Library Outstanding Reference Book award, and Library Journal's award as one of the 50 Reference Sources for the Millennium. Now for the first time, the entire set of 10 print volumes is available as a single, integrated online database, with additional features from Alexander Street Press.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Contains thousands of historic articles, editorials, letters, reviews, poems, and puzzles dating back to the magazine's first issue from July 6, 1865 to the present. The archive includes perspectives on news, politics, and culture from writers, artists, novelists, and playwrights.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
National Geographic magazine built its reputation delivering the highest-quality photojournalism and cartography in the world. The iconic monthly publication provides in-depth coverage of cultures, nature, science, technology, and more.
Database Types:
Government Information
Newspapers — Current
Statistics and Data
National Journal provides nonpartisan ​news​​ on current political and policy issues from Washington, DC.​ This collection of resources includes​ the National Journal​ Daily​, ​Daybook, Hotline, and the Almanac of American Politics.
More Info:

Na­tion­al Journ­al Daily: Your source for everything hap­pen­ing on the Hill.
The Hot­line: The ul­ti­mate in­sider’s source for cam­paign and elec­tion in­form­a­tion.

Al­man­ac: Bio­graph­ic­al and back­ground in­form­a­tion on all fed­er­ally-elec­ted of­fi­cials, state gov­ernors, and con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts.
Day­book: On­line cal­en­dar of the im­port­ant events hap­pen­ing on and off Cap­it­ol Hill.

Race track­er: Cam­paign polling and fin­ance data tool for Pres­id­en­tial, Con­gres­sion­al, and Gubernat­ori­al races.
Present­a­tion Cen­ter: An evolving data­base of copy­right-free, white la­bel Power­Point slides that break down ma­jor polit­ic­al and policy is­sues, as well as ex­plains how Wash­ing­ton works.
Presentation Center Data and Charts: Our re­source for all high qual­ity data sets and charts on pub­lic policy and polit­ics from gov­ern­ment, think tanks and aca­demia.

On Campus LInk
Database Types:
The geographic information available from The National Map includes orthoimagery (aerial photographs), elevation, geographic names, hydrography, boundaries, transportation, structures, and land cover. Other types of geographic information can be added within the viewer or brought in with The National Map data into a Geographic Information System to create specific types of maps or map views.
Database Types:
Government Information
Reference Sources
Data and analyses from the US Department of Agriculture on the status, condition, and trends of land, soil, water, and related resources on the Nation’s non-federal lands.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
A key source for conservative news, commentary and opinion, National Review Archive offers complete indexing, abstracting and full text for the magazine from the first issue in 1955 to the present.
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On campus link
Alternate Name(s):EPA Publications and Newsletters
Database Types:
Government Information
Technical, scientific, and educational materials from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
Noted for its thoughtful, up-to-date, reliable and careful compilation, this completely-updated edition offers political, economic and business information on all the nations of the world in an easy-to-use, single source.
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Database Types:
Working Papers & Pre-Prints
This site contains working papers on economics written by more than 500 university professors for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to research on the economy.
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On-Campus Link
Database Types:
Government Information
Established in 1972, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is a federally funded resource offering justice and drug-related information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
The New Republic is considered one of the country's leading journals of opinion on politics and the arts. It features award-winning writers and critics from many fields and from most political viewpoints. Available from 1914 to the present.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Contains more than 44,000 article abstracts, 1,200 review abstracts, 16,500 book abstracts covering the New Testament and its historical milieu.
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Each year an additional 2,000 articles from more than 500 periodicals in numerous languages are selected for inclusion. In addition, approximately 900 current books are also summarized annually. Article coverage in the database dates back to 1985.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Backfiles of 15 major magazines (including the Newsweek archive), spanning areas including current events, international relations, and public policy. These titles offer multiple perspectives on the contemporary contexts of the major events, trends, and interests in these fields throughout the twentieth century. Coverage: 1918 - 2015
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Database in progress — expected completion in 2020.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Newspapers — Current
Provides cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 U.S. & international newspapers. The database also contains selective full text for 389 regional U.S. newspapers. In addition, full text television & radio news transcripts are also provided.
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On-Campus Link
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Alternate Name(s):LexisNexis Academic
Database Types:
Financial & Market Data
Laws and Legislation
Newspapers — Current
Reference Sources
Replaces LexisNexis Academic.

More than 15,000 news, business, and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
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National and regional newspapers, wire services, broadcast transcripts, international news, and non-English language sources.

U.S. Federal and state case law, codes, regulations, legal news, law reviews, and international legal information.

Shepard’s Citations for all U.S. Supreme Court cases back to 1789.

Business news journals, company financial information, SEC filings and reports, and industry and market news.

On Campus Link
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Database Types:
Books — online
Letters & Diaries
Primary Sources
A collection focusing on the history of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples, North American Indian Thought and Culture contains autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files. Much of this collection was previously unpublished, rare, or hard to find.
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Database Types:
Letters & Diaries
Primary Sources
North American Women's Letters and Diaries is the largest collection of women's diaries and correspondence ever assembled. Spanning more than 300 years, brings the personal experiences of some 1,325 women to researchers, students, and general readers.
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The uses for the collection will be many and varied. For historians, sociologists, students of literature, researchers in genealogy, and others, North American Women's Letters and Diaries will prove a dramatic new resource. These diaries bring us much more than the personal. They provide a detailed record of what women wore, the conditions under which they worked, what they ate, what they read, and how they amused themselves. We can see how frequently they attended church, how they viewed their connection to God, and how they prayed. We can explore their relationships with lovers and family and friends. William Matthews, an early scholar in this field, observed:

"I believe the diary to be a unique kind of writing; all other forms of writing envisage readers, and so are adapted to readers, by interpretation, order, simplification, rationalization, omission, addition, and the endless devices of exposition . . . [diaries] are in general the most immediate, truthful, and revealing documents available. . ."

The collection includes some 150,000 pages of published letters and diaries from individuals writing from Colonial times to 1950, including more than 6,000 pages of previously unpublished materials. Drawn from more than 600 sources, including journal articles, pamphlets, newsletters, monographs, and conference proceedings, much of the material is in copyright. Represented are all age groups and life stages, all ethnicities, many geographical regions, the famous and the not so famous. It includes some 300 biographies to enhance the use of the database.

North American Women's Letters and Diaries aims to cover all published material and as large a number of unpublished materials as copyright and cost will allow. The contents have been selected from the bibliographies listed below as well as other sources.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
The collection consists of mostly Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) full-text journals. About 75 journals in all. Individual journals may be accessed via the Journal Finder.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Nursing Assessment in Video is an online database that provides anywhere, anytime access to the best-selling assessment series of training videos from Medcom Trainex, acclaimed provider of nursing education programs worldwide. Each title features leading industry experts providing hands-on demonstrations and step-by-step instructions in key assessment areas. And because all content was produced since 2012, users can depend on the collection to deliver the most accurate, up-to-date information available.
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High-quality patient care begins with good assessment, but acquiring the necessary skills and experience to make accurate patient assessments can be complicated. No textbook can convey the healthy body sounds heard during auscultation, nor show a live example of a patient demonstrating abnormalities during a visual field test. Fortunately, video resources address these challenges and more, giving nursing students a reliable way to observe nuanced procedures and patient interactions before practicing in a clinical setting.

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Alternate Name(s):Safari Books
Database Types:
Books — online
Video and Film
More than 30,000 technology and business books, as well as over 30,000 hours of videos, tutorials, learning paths, and more. Formerly called Safari Books.
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On Campus Link

Note: The OpenAthens guest account login will not work for this resource. Please ask the Reference Desk for O'Reilly guest credentials.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Alternate Name(s):Open Access Publishing in European Networks
Database Types:
Books — online
Open Access
OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) Library is an open access, peer-reviewed platform that includes over 15,000 books and chapters in 55 different languages, predominantly in the areas of humanities and social sciences. Most books and chapters in the OAPEN Library are available for direct download without any cost or registration requirements for the user (some titles only have a portion of chapters available as open access).
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OAPEN provides services for publishers, libraries, and research funders in the areas of dissemination, quality assurance, and digital preservation with the goal of building a branded collection of OA titles, increase visibility and retrievability of these publications, and to promote open access book publishing.
Searchable database of over 15,200 museum listings based on numerous criteria including institution name, location, category, personnel names, attendance, and keyword. Only one user can access this resource at a time. There is a slight delay when logging in. Resource does not work well on Firefox browser.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
The database features indexing and abstracts for journal articles, monographs, multi-author works, and software related to Old Testament studies.
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Content from over 450 journals is covered. All abstracts are in English, regardless of the language of the original work. Topics covered include antiquities, archaeology, biblical theology, philology and much more. Coverage in the database dates back to 1978.

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Database Types:
Hot Topics & Issues
"Pro" and "con" arguments on controversial issues. Includes full-text materials drawn from print series such as Opposing Viewpoints, Current Controversies, At Issue, Contemporary Issues Companion, and Gale Information Plus series. It also provides full-text periodicals, newspapers, journals, pamphlets, primary source documents, statistics, images, web sites, and student research tools.
Alternate Name(s):OSTI information bridge energy citations database scitech connect
Database Types:
Government Information
Index / Abstracts
OSTI.GOV makes available over 70 years of research results from DOE and its predecessor agencies discoverable. Research results include journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata; technical reports; scientific research datasets and collections; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books and theses; and multimedia.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
The Oxford African American Studies Center combines the authority of carefully edited reference works with sophisticated technology to create the most comprehensive collection of scholarship available online to focus on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture.
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The Oxford African American Studies Center provides students, scholars and librarians with more than 10,000 articles by top scholars in the field.

The core content includes:

Encyclopedia of African American History, 1619-1895
Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present
Black Women in America, Second Edition
African American National Biography
Dictionary of African Biography
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought

In addition to the full-text of these works, the Center draws on other key resources from Oxford's reference program, including the Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature, the Oxford Companion to Black British History, and selected articles from other major reference titles. Over 2,500 images, more than 450 primary sources with specially written commentaries, and nearly 200 maps have been collected to enhance this reference content. More than 150 charts and tables offer information on everything from demographics to government and politics to business and labor to education and the arts.

A key feature of the Oxford African American Studies Center site is the ongoing editorial program. The site continues to grow with new and updated content added on a regular basis, including the latest biographies from the African American National Biography project and additional primary documents with commentary.

The Oxford African American Studies Center has been created with the latest in online technology to give users a robust and unique research experience. Precise search and browse capabilities allow users to refine their results by specific eras and subject categories. Users can choose to view biographies, subject entries, primary sources, images, maps, or charts and tables when searching or browsing. The site's thematic timelines and Learning Center resources also provide users with powerful tools for navigating the content. Context-sensitive Help pages are available throughout the site to guide users through the features and functionality.

Editor in Chief

Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Harvard University
Read Dr. Gates's Letter from the Editor

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Alternate Name(s):Grove Dictionary of Art
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Authoritative articles on all aspects of the visual arts: painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture, decorative arts, and photography.
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More than 45,000 articles from the printed 34-volume Dictionary of Art, and updated quarterly with new and revised articles, as well as thousands of images, and the content of The Oxford Comanion to Western Art, The Consice Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, and The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Annotated bibliographies, updated regularly, of the best scholarship in multiple disciplines. Ideal for approaching new/interdisciplinary fields, and to guide faculty to key readings for courses.
More Info:
Oxford Bibliographies provides faculty and students alike with a seamless pathway to the most accurate and reliable resources for a variety of academic topics. Every article in our database is an authoritative guide to the current scholarship, written and reviewed by academic experts, with original commentary and annotations.

Developed cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, and combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.

Oxford Bibliographies brings to online research the quality assurance and authority that you expect from Oxford University Press. All articles receive multiple peer reviews and editorial board vetting to provide reliable and balanced coverage.

Articles are regularly updated by their authors so that information in this resource is always current and accurate. In addition to updating existing articles, new topic guides are added on a regular schedule to expand the scope and extent of each subject module in the library.

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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link

  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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On Campus Link
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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Database Types:
An annotated bibliography of the best scholarship in the discipline.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Written by distinguished scholars from around the world, OCD covers all aspects of the classical world from literature and history to religion, science, and archaeology.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides a comprehensive source of information on the diverse historical and contemporary experiences of Latinos and Latinas in the United States.
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Incorporating key material from the acclaimed Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States (OUP, 2005), this ground-breaking publication addresses the significant ways in which the Latino and Latina populations have shaped the political, legal, and social institutions of the United States, with new and updated scholarship on political movements and organizations, important legal cases, minority-rights laws, and immigration legislation.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
This encyclopedia provides authoritative and up-to-date information about theatre and performance from ancient Greek theatre to the latest developments in London, Paris, New York, and around the globe. In addition to performances in playhouses, it covers dance, opera, radio, film, television, and popular performance, including carnivals, circus, and public executions. Entries range from short definitions of terms to lengthy considerations of genres and movements.
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Alternate Name(s):OED
Database Types:
Reference Sources
The Oxford English Dictionary is a historical dictionary of English, covering the language from the earliest times to the present day. It aims to show not only the current meanings of words, but also to trace their development through time.
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Entries contain detailed etymological analysis, and are illustrated by quotations from a wide range of English language sources from around the world, making the OED a unique historical record.

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Database Types:
Books — online
Oxford Handbooks Online brings together the world's leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate.
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Database Types:
Books — online
The Oxford History of Western Music online offers an unmatched account of the evolution of Western classical music by one of the most prominent and provocative musicologists of our time, Richard Taruskin.
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The full text, which was printed in five thick volumes in print, is now available for the first time in an interactive digital format. The online version includes all 1.25 million words, 500 images, and 1,800 musical examples from the updated paperback edition with sophisticated search and browse functionality designed to maximize the dynamic possibilities of online reading and research.

The online version offers convenient access for anyone interested in Taruskin’s essential history of Western music, from first-time readers to long-time fans of the work, from students assigned chapters in a course to experienced scholars seeking a handy point of entry for their research. Readers can easily search across the entire work to pinpoint quotations or follow up references. They can jump across chapters through the browsable Table of Contents or through an editorially designed index.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
More than 300 dictionaries and encyclopedias covering multiple subjects. Choose between "Quick Reference" and in-depth "Reference Library" titles.
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Database Types:
An encyclopedia of peer-reviewed and regularly updated articles covering the discipline.
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Database Types:
An encyclopedia of peer-reviewed and regularly updated articles covering the discipline.
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On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
An encyclopedia of peer-reviewed and regularly updated articles covering the discipline.
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On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
An encyclopedia of peer-reviewed and regularly updated articles covering the discipline.
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Database Types:
An encyclopedia of peer-reviewed and regularly updated articles covering the discipline.
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Database Types:
An encyclopedia of peer-reviewed and regularly updated articles covering the discipline.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
This collection of more than 1,200 streaming videos provides a range of content with the most valuable video documentaries and series from PBS. From science to history, art to Shakespeare, diversity to business & economics, and more.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
People Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the prominent, popular magazine dating from its very first issue in March, 1974 through December, 2000, in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
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Published by Time Inc., the magazine has focused on the stories of people in and behind the news. Each issue contains a blend of celebrity and human interest stories. Taken as a whole, the archive chronicles popular culture and trends over time.

The cover-to-cover format means each issue is presented in its entirety, including the front and back covers as well as all articles and advertisements contained in the original publication. Everything has been indexed with relevant subject terms to ensure that researchers and readers can quickly and accurately find what they are looking for. People Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-Century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Backfiles of scholarly and popular periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences, providing access to the searchable full text of more than 200 titles. The database spans more than two centuries of content, 37 key subject areas, and multiple languages.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
The Philosopher’s Index features author-written abstracts covering scholarly research published in journals and books since 1940.
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Alternate Name(s):American Physical Society's online archive for Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, and Physical Review A–E.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
The full text of the American Physical Society journals, including Physical Review A - E, Physical Review Special Topics, Physical Review Letters, and Review of Modern Physics.
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Database Types:
Statistics and Data

Thousands of U.S. data indicators for demographic and socioeconomic analysis. PolicyMap data can be presented as maps, tables, charts and pre-built reports that can be incorporated into papers, presentations, blogs and websites. In addition, students can upload unlimited amounts of their own address-based data, and can share these maps with others.

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An online (no software installation needed) U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications for college students and faculty. It is used in undergraduate and graduate curriculum and research related to social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography, among others. Users can leverage thousands of U.S. data indicators in PolicyMap to perform demographic and socioeconomic analysis, from a neighborhood census block group in many cases, up to a national level, as well as create custom regions, for their research and studies.

PolicyMap’s data indicators accessible via easy to use menus organized in categories including demographics, income and spending, housing, lending, quality of life, economy, education, health, federal guidelines, and analytics. Data can be viewed on a census block or census tract level in many cases, city, county, zip, state, US, as well as by congressional district, school district, state house and state senate districts.

  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
Political Science Complete (PSC) provides full text for more than 520 journals, and indexing and abstracts for over 2,900 titles, (including top-ranked scholarly journals), many of which are unique to the product.
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PSC has a worldwide focus, reflecting the globalization of contemporary political discourse. The database also features over 340 full-text reference books and monographs, and over 36,000 full-text conference papers, including those of the International Political Science Association. PSC includes a subject-specific thesaurus with over 17,500 terms (7,366 preferred and 10,175 non-preferred terms), to provide subject searching guidance to researchers.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
Registration Required. See "more" for access information. is a source for business and financial research on non-publicly traded corporations, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed and international unlisted companies.
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PrivCo currently has profiles for over 850,000 firms, 20,000 investors and 100,000 private market deals, and is adding information and in-house analysis daily. Whether doing company, investor, M&A, venture capital funding, or private equity research, PrivCo is searchable by advanced criteria in all categories.

The first time you access PrivCo, you will be asked to create an account. Register with your academic email address ( With your own account, you will be able to save your searches and track companies in your personalized watchlist. Your account provides 1,000 profile views, 1,000 exported records, and 500 deal views per year.

Access to PrivCo is available to current USF students, faculty, and staff only. PrivCo is to be used for academic, non-commercial use only, and all usage is archived.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Hundreds of full text journals in the humanities and social sciences.
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Since 1995 the MUSE journal collections have supported a wide array of research needs at academic, public, special, and school libraries worldwide. MUSE is the trusted source of complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies, with over 120 publishers currently participating.

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Database Types:
Government Information
Laws and Legislation
ProQuest Congressional is especially useful for performing legislative histories and locating Congressional documents. It is also very useful for tracking legislation and major public policy issues, locating recent Congressional documents and related material in full text, and learning more about Congress and the legislative process.
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ProQuest Congressional provides comprehensive indexing and abstracting of Congressional publications, CIS legislative histories, and bill tracking. It includes the full text of Congressional reports, documents, prints, bills, the Congressional Record, selected testimony in hearings before Congress, Public laws, Statutes at Large, the United States Code Service, the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and the National Journal. It also provides information about members of Congress, Congressional committees, and recent legislative activities and public policy issues in the news.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Books — print
Dissertations & Theses
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Newspapers — Current
Newspapers — Historical
Video and Film
Search all ProQuest databases containing scholarly journals, ebooks, videos & audio, dissertations & theses, newspapers and more.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Dissertations & Theses
The most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering millions of works from thousands of universities. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
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Alternate Name(s):ebrary
Database Types:
Books — online

ProQuest Ebook Central offers more than 140,000 ebooks (with unlimited user access) in a wide range of subject areas, along with powerful tools to help you find, use, and manage the information you need. ProQuest Ebook Central: Academic Complete will be cancelled, effective Feb. 1, 2025 — more information. Access to over 400 purchased ebooks will remain on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform.

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Using ebooks

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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
1909 - 2010. A leading African-American newspaper, with more than two-thirds of its readership outside Chicago. It offers primary source material essential to the study of American history and African-American culture, history, politics, and the arts.
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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
The Los Angeles Times delivers unique coverage of the development of Southern California and the American West from 1881-2010, including news articles, photos, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, cartoons, and more.
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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
The Christian Science Monitor offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue (Nov. 25, 1908) and through 2004.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
The historic New York Times provides researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. It provides search capability using subject terms and topics for focused and targeted results in combination with searchable full text, full page, and article-level images from the Historical New York Times.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
This historic Washington Post provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Covers 1877-2004.
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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
Includes the San Francisco Examiner (1865-2007), and a miscellany of other California, Nevada, and Utah newspapers.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Letters & Diaries
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
History Vault provides access to primary source, cross-searchable, full-text/full-image documents on a wide array of topics in 19th and 20th-century American history.
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Government Information
Laws and Legislation
Primary Sources
Congress produces a variety of publications as a bill moves through the legislative process on its way to becoming a law. A compilation of these full text primary source publications produces a legislative history that is valuable to a wide variety of researchers. Legislative Insight offers a research citation page that not only links to the full text of the associated primary source publications, but allows the user to do a Search Within from that very page that searches the full text of all the associated publications with one-click.
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Full-text publication types associated with a legislative history include the Public Law, all versions of enacted and related bills, Congressional Record excerpts, and committee hearings, reports, and documents. All of these publication types can be used in court to determine the intent of Congress in enacting legislation in cases where the statutory language is ambiguous. Other full-text publication types are included in our legislative histories to provide users with background material are committee prints, CRS reports, and miscellaneous congressional publications. Presidential signing statements are also included.
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Alternate Name(s):ABI/INFORM Collection
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Newspapers — Current
A comprehensive business database containing millions of full-text items across scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos and more. Includes the full text of the Wall Street Journal. Formerly called ABI/INFORM Collection
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Government Information
Laws and Legislation
Regulatory Insight offers U.S. federal administrative law histories beginning in 1936, organized by federal statute and Executive Order. Regulatory Insight creates regulatory histories for individual federal statutes and Executive Orders by compiling pertinent Federal Register articles into a research-friendly workspace similar to the workspace provided in its companion database, Legislative Insight. "Search within" functionality and the ability to limit by content type (e.g. notices, proposed rules, final rules) are available through the filters.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Covers magazines devoted to religious topics, from 1845 to 2015. The publications were originally written by/for a wider populace rather than for academics. A wide variety of religions and denominations are represented, allowing for comparative studies of religions during this period.
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Government Information
Laws and Legislation
Supreme Court Insight, 1933-present, is a complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per decision, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Content associated with each case is compiled on a dynamic page organized to facilitate understanding of the judicial process, and is also retrievable on a document by document basis.
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Government Information
Statistics and Data

Trends & Policy is a series of in-depth primary source collections to support research and learning on policy related to today’s most pressing issues. It connects policies implemented by the U.S. government with the results and trends of those policies. The database also provides context with analytical reports, news articles, timelines, topic pages, and data tools. Includes the following collections: U.S. Environment, U.S. Healthcare, U.S. Immigration, U.S. Criminal Justice, and U.S. Civil Rights.

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Alternate Name(s):DSM-5 DSM 5
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Reference Sources
Full text of five American Psychiatric Publishing journals plus Psychiatric News; full text of DSM-5 and related reference publications
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Database Types:
Video and Film training videos bring classroom theories to life with clinical sessions, discussions, and documentaries featuring the field's leading experts, from pioneering legends to contemporary masters, including Yalom, Linehan, Hardy, Hayes, and many more.
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See the Platform User Guide for help with using this resource.

On-Campus Link
Database Types:
Reference Sources
PubChem provides information on the biological activities of small molecules. It includes substance information, compound structures, and BioActivity data.
Alternate Name(s):Medline
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts

PubMed provides access to more than 23 million bibliographic citations primarily drawn from MEDLINE, as well as publisher-supplied citations, in-process and "ahead-of-print" citations.


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Alternate Name(s):koran quran
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Qurʾānic Studies Online consists of the Encyclopedia of the Qurʾān, the Dictionary of Qurʾanic Usage, and the Qurʾān Concordance, all of which can be search together.
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Alternate Name(s):pdb
Database Types:
Reference Sources
A repository of information about the 3D structures of large biological molecules, including proteins and nucleic acids.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Readers’ Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 provides indexing of over three million articles from more than 550 leading magazines, including full coverage of the original print volumes of Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature.
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On Campus Link
Reference Solutions
Database Types:
Research, Writing, and Publishing Tools
RefWorks allows users to create personal databases to manage, store, and share the information citations/references. Users can automatically insert references from their database into their papers and generate formatted bibliographies and manuscripts in seconds. See our RefWorks Guide for information about creating accounts, adding references, and using add-ons.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Primary Sources
The content in Orderly Books provides detailed accounts of troops’ daily lives, documenting everything from court martial cases to the price of necessities charged by locals. Given the dearth of soldiers’ diaries, Orderly Books provides historically valuable information about soldiers’ lives.
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Orderly Books were the controlling document of day-to-day life in the military, most notably during the Revolutionary War. This one-of-a-kind collection – developed in conjunction with the New-York Historical Society – offers access to Orderly Books found nowhere else and contains handwritten volumes documenting military orders, movements and engagements by brigade, regiment, company and other specific military units between 1748 and 1817.

Content Includes:
Over 30,000 pages of original primary source material from two hundred handwritten volumes
Original images, fully transcribed and keyword-searchable

Subjects Include:
Both sides of the American Revolutionary War
The French and Indian War
The War of 1812
The early frontier
Other various military deployments throughout the young United States

Orderly Book Entries Include:
Information on the day, location and general orders
Proclamations from the Continental Congress
Calculations about rations, miles and routes traveled
Personal expenses and loans
“Advertisements” announcing lost items, such as clothing and equipment

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Database Types:
Financial & Market Data
Richard K. Miller & Associates (RKMA) market research handbooks focus on various consumer-related markets, including market forecasts, sector trends, and statistics.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Includes all issues of Rolling Stone Magazine, from its launch in 1967 to the present. One of the most influential consumer magazines of the 20th-21st centuries, it has been a leading vehicle for rock and popular music journalism, as well as covering wider entertainment topics such as film and popular culture. Major journalists and authors who have contributed include Hunter S. Thompson, Patti Smith, and Tom Wolfe.


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Database Types:
Books — online
Primary Sources
Based on Joseph Sabin's landmark bibliography, this collection contains works about the Americas published throughout the world from 1500 to the early 1900's.
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Included are books, pamphlets, serials and other documents that provide original accounts of exploration, trade, colonialism, slavery and abolition, the western movement, Native Americans, military actions and much more.

With over 6 million pages from 29,000 works, this collection is a cornerstone in the study of the western hemisphere.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):Data Planet
Database Types:
Statistics and Data
A repository of standardized and structured statistical data. This tool allows users to scan and search contents of billions of datasets, compare and contrast variables of interest, and create customized views in tables, maps, rankings, and charts.
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On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
SAGE publishes more than 900 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine. You can search all SAGE journals here or only those that Gleeson Library subscribes to.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
More than 300 encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
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On Campus Link
Database Types:
Video and Film
The San Francisco Bay Area Television Archive preserves much of the Bay Area's rich television history on film and broadcast video. As archive videos are remastered, they are made available online for free.
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Database Types:
Newspapers — Current
Newspapers — Historical
Primary Sources
The San Francisco Chronicle provides researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the San Francisco Bay Area, California, and the world.
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On-Campus Link
Database Types:
More than 250,000 photographs of San Francisco and California. It includes photographs of famous San Francisco personalities, buildings, streets, and neighborhoods.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Alternate Name(s):Scientific Electronic Library Online
Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Open Access
"SciELO" stands for Scientific Electronic Library Online. This open access database provides access to fulltext articles from over 1,200 Latin American journals on a wide range of subjects (not just science!). Most of the articles are in Spanish or Portuguese, although there is also some English language content.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Alternate Name(s):Science Direct
Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
Reference Sources
ScienceDirect hosts over 3,800 journals and more than 35,000 books from Elsevier and their imprints and society partners. Content is primarily in sciences, technology, and health. Gleeson Library has access to a portion of these publications. Does not support Safari browser.
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  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Registration Required — see: "More" below. Citations and abstracts for journal articles from more than 10,000 journals covering the biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, agricultural science, and more; patents; substance and chemical synthesis information; includes CAS Registry database, Analytical Methods, Formulus, and ChemZent.
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After you create your personal login, you can use the first link to SciFinder-n at the top of this entry. Access to SciFinder is available to current USF students, faculty, and staff only.

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Database Types:
Citation Index
Index / Abstracts
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
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Comprehensive: Scopus has twice as many titles and over 30% more publishers listed than any other abstract and index (A&I) database, with interdisciplinary content that covers the research spectrum. Timely updates from thousands of peer-reviewed journals, preliminary findings from millions of conference papers, and the thorough analysis in an expanding collection of books ensure you have the most up-to-date and highest quality interdisciplinary content available.

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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Indexes short stories written in or translated into English that have appeared in collections and selected periodicals.
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In-depth subject indexing helps to find stories by topics and themes, locales of where the story takes place, genre, and by people. The Retrospective Index contains bibliographic entries on more than 140,000 short stories published over 150 years and citations to short stories published from the 1830s to the 1980s, from some 350 periodicals and collections of short stories.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
This classification precedes the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as a source of the U.S. industrial classification scheme.
  • Resource requires myUSF login to access.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
Create a personal account, or use USF guest account information: email: password: guest Social Explorer provides quick and easy access to current and historical census data and demographic information. The easy-to-use web interface lets users create maps and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand demography and social change.
More Info:
In addition to its comprehensive data resources, Social Explorer offers features and tools to meet the needs of demography experts and novices alike. From research libraries to classrooms to government agencies to corporations to the front page of the New York Times, Social Explorer helps the public engage with society and science.

Access current and historical demographic data with ease:
The entire US Census from 1790 to 2010.
The entire American Community Survey (ACS) from 2005 to 2012.
All annual updates from the American Community Survey.
InfoGroup data on religious congregations in the United States for 2009 and 2010, including maps for counties and special census areas, as well as point maps of the actual congregation locations.
The Religious Congregations and Membership Study (RCMS) from 1980 to 2010.
Carbon Emissions Data for 2002 from the Vulcan Project.
Social Explorer includes over 40 billion data elements, 500,000 variables, and more than 25,000 interactive maps.
Stay current with the latest data from the US Census Bureau, which is added to the site as soon as it is released.
Browse full source documentation for all reports and maps, as well as the source and computation information for every variable.

Visualize data with customizable, user-friendly maps, allowing unparalleled exploration of demographic and social change, revealing the patterns buried in raw numbers.
Create thematic and interactive maps that explore all historical and modern US census data across the centuries and even down to street level detail (where available).
Locate geographies with the address find tool.
Export, save, and print maps and reports for professional-looking reports, presentations, and graphics. High-resolution images are available and any presentation can be exported directly to PowerPoint.
Create multi-map presentations with the interactive slideshow tool for in-depth comparisons and story-telling.
Graph and chart data with easy on-screen tools to investigate the data and communicate your findings.
Save projects in your personal MyExplorer account for archiving, collaboration, and more.
Share your creations in presentations and online. Maps can be shared through email, Facebook, and Twitter, and embedded in websites.
Create data reports at all geographic levels, including state, county, census tract, block group, zip code, and census place (where the data exist).
Download data to a variety of file formats for use with your favorite statistical package. Our reports automatically calculate aggregates, percentages, inflation adjustments, and medians to save time and eliminate errors.
No software to install or maintain, making it hassle-free for librarians and users. The site works entirely on the web and provides many basic GIS and data manipulation functions.
An ideal teaching resource that employs an engaging visual approach to demographic information for courses across the social sciences, and trusted by Pearson Publishing as a leader in social science online learning.

On-Campus Link
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
SocINDEX with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. The database features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers.
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SocINDEX with Full Text contains full text for more than 860 journals dating back to 1908. This database also includes full text for more than 830 books and monographs, and full text for over 16,800 conference papers.

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Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Culturally and historically significant literary material produced from within — and about — the South Asian region. Subjects included archaeology, industry, parliamentary debates and concerns, and law case reports. Other reports include a near complete set of the Calcutta riots of 1946 and gazetteers from a range of districts and territories, providing insight into colonial India.
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Substantial runs of more than two hundred journals in a range of subjects published from India and South Asia, including early journals such as Asiatic Researchers (first published in 1788), Indian Review, Modern Review, and Calcutta Gazette. There is also an array of vernacular journals such as: Bharatbarsha, Prabasi, Manasi, and Sachitra.

A diverse collection of reports from colonial and post-colonial India, including volumes of the 1901, 1911, 1931, and 1951 Indian Census documents, and the near complete set of Calcutta Riots of 1946 Gazetteers from a range of Indian states such as Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharastra are also available.

An extensive range of books consisting of series such as The Bibliotheca Indica, a collection of oriental works published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. It includes translations of the Upanishads, commentaries on Sanskrit grammatical, philosophical, and legal treatises, and such works as the Suddhikaumudi, a Sanskrit treatise on Hindu laws of defilement and purification.

Legislations, Acts, regulations, law books/cases
A myriad collection of legislations, Acts, regulations, and case documents from the colonial period, invaluable for any work on colonial Indian history.

Indian film booklets, 1930–1949
A collection of rare publicity booklets in a mixture of English, Hindi, Urdu, and Bengali, as sold outside India film theaters. Highlights from the collection include: Mukti, Street Singer, My Sister, Devdas and Sita. Each booklet includes lists of the film's cast and leading technical personnel, a plot summary, photographs of the lead actors or key moments in the film, and song lyrics.

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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Journals & Magazines — Current
SPORTDiscus with Full Text is the world’s most comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for 550 journals indexed.
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This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the SPORTDiscus index - with no embargo. With full-text coverage dating back to 1985, SPORTDiscus with Full Text is the definitive research tool for all areas of sports & sports medicine literature.

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Sports Illustrated Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the popular sports magazine dating from its very first issue in August, 1954 through December, 2000, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
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Published by Time Inc., the magazine has aimed to chronicle the weekly events in the world of sports. Each issue originally focused on more upper-class sporting activities such as polo and boating, but in the 1960s the magazine expanded its focus to include the increasingly popular professional sports of baseball, football, and, eventually, basketball.

The cover-to-cover format means each issue is presented in its entirety, including the front and back covers as well as all articles and advertisements contained in the original publication. Everything has been indexed with relevant subject terms to ensure that researchers and readers can quickly and accurately find what they are looking for. Sports Illustrated Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.

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Alternate Name(s):SBRnet: Sports Business Research Network
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
The database combines market research from the largest single research supplier to the industry, the National Sporting Goods Association; the U.S. Department of Commerce; various sports governing bodies; and full-text articles from 14 magazines and newsletters published by Miller Freeman, the world's largest sporting goods trade publisher, and newsletters provided by leading independent industry experts.
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Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
Reference Sources
Search Springer journals, books, series, protocols and reference works. Gleeson has access to only a portion of these materials.
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  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Working Papers & Pre-Prints
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research.
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The SSRN eLibrary consists of two parts: an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 611,200 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 508,400 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. The eLibrary also includes the research papers of a number of Fee Based Partner Publications.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Reference Sources
Open access encyclopedia maintained by scholarly experts in philosophy. Gleeson Library is a Full Contributor supporting the encyclopedia.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
Easy to use statistics search engine with access to more than a million statistics and facts.
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Categorized into over 20 market sectors, Statista provides business customers, researchers, and the academic community with direct access to relevant quantitative facts on agriculture, finance, politics, and many more areas of interest.

Sources of information include market researchers, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Statistics and Data
The Statistical Abstract of the United States is a one-volume, comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
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Database Types:
Government Information
Laws and Legislation
This official Internet site of the U.S. Supreme Court contains information by and about the Court. It is oriented toward those looking for general information about the U.S. Supreme Court, such as biographies of justices and the docket, as well as those looking for copies of opinions, including recent bench opinions.
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Database Types:
Video and Film
Swank Digital Campus is a streaming film database containing major motion pictures and documentaries. It provides digital access to course-related films and allows students to view course-assigned films outside the classroom.
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  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Statistics and Data
The database provides U.S. Tariff and Trade data for specific products.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching explores the theoretical and practical aspects of English language instruction by providing an essential, go-to reference resource for educators, professionals, researchers, and students world-wide. Over 750 entries written by leading practitioners and scholars from around the globe reflect the collaborative efforts of a truly international team of editors and advisory board members.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
The Time Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the prominent weekly news magazine dating back to its first issue in March 1923 through December 2000, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
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Published weekly by Time Inc., the magazine has focused on conveying to a broad audience both domestic and international news and analysis on a spectrum of subjects.

Intended to be read in under an hour, each issue of Time contains reports of national and international current events, politics, sports, and entertainment. Capturing the relevant news for a given week, the magazine remains an important resource for researchers studying just about any aspect of 20th-Century history and life.

The cover-to-cover format means each issue is presented in its entirety, including the front and back covers as well as all articles and advertisements contained in the original publication. Everything has been indexed with relevant subject terms to ensure that researchers and readers can quickly and accurately find what they are looking for. The Time Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-Century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.

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Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
As the “world’s newspaper of record,” The Times of London has covered all major international events from the French Revolution to the War in Iraq. The Times Digital Archive, 1785–2011 makes 200 years of this highly regarded resource available for students and researchers.
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Alternate Name(s):Times Literary Supplement
Database Types:
Newspapers — Historical
Since 1902, the Times Literary Supplement has forged a reputation for fine writing, literary discoveries and insightful debate. The TLS has attracted the contributions of the world’s most influential writers and critics, from T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf in the 1920s and 1930s to A.N. Wilson and Christopher Hitchens in the 1990s and 2000s. The database includes the complete run of the TLS from 1902 to 2019.
Alternate Name(s):Transportation Research Board
Database Types:
Government Information
Index / Abstracts
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) conducts research on transportation issues and publishes information about their research in reports and peer-reviewed technical papers.


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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
U.S. News & World Report Magazine Archive (1926-1984) is valuable to researchers of 20th-century current events, politics and business, as well as those interested in the history of journalism, advertising, and popular culture.
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The magazine features a broad variety of topics in current events, politics and business, and is well known for its ranked lists of businesses and institutions. This comprehensive archive, starting with the daily issues and eventually weekly ones, offers thousands of issues for research of topics and trends.


Cover-to-cover processing presents each issue in its entirety as originally published
Articles and cover pages are fully indexed
Advertisements are fully searchable

Predecsssor Titles:

United States Daily, 1926 -1933. “Presenting the only daily record of the official acts of legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government of the United States of America”
United States News, 1933-1948. “America’s National newsweekly”
World Report, 1946-1948 “The weekly newsmagazine of world affairs”
U.S. News & World Report, 1948-1984

On-Campus Link
  • Resource is provided by Zief Law Library.
Database Types:
Laws and Legislation
Containing nearly 11 million pages of records and briefs brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in the period 1832-1978, this product provides an essential primary source tool for the study of all aspects of American history as well as the U.S. judicial system.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Research, Writing, and Publishing Tools
Ulrichsweb is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.
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Alternate Name(s):UMP EBC
Database Types:
Books — online
A comprehensive collection of the University of Michigan Press’s scholarly ebooks, primarily focused on the humanities and social sciences disciplines.
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Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Bibliographic records covering essential areas related to the study of cities and regions including bibliographic records covering essential areas related to the study of cities and regions, this database explores such topics as urban affairs, community development, urban history and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
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Urban Studies Abstracts contains more than 99,000 records, carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline, such as: Urban Affairs Review, Urban Studies and Journal of Urban Affairs. EBSCO has digitized the full archive of this database, bringing coverage back to 1973.

On Campus Link
Database Types:
Government Information
Statistics and Data
Create a free account to access the database. USA Trade Online is a dynamic data tool that gives users access to current and cumulative U.S. export and import data.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Dissertations & Theses
Journals & Magazines — Current
Open Access
The USF Scholarship Repository is an institutional repository service provided by the Gleeson Library | Geschke Center in collaboration with Dorraine Zief Law Library to digitally collect, preserve and provide electronic access to scholarly works and research output by the University of San Francisco community.


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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
The Vanity Fair Magazine Archive contains indexing, abstracting and full text (including Covers and Advertisements) beginning in September 1913 to February 1936 and March 1983 to October 2015.
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Database Types:
Books — online
Full text of over 700 short books in the Oxford University Press series "Very Short Introductions." Books in this series offer concise overviews to a wide range of academic subjects.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Anatomy & Physiology by Visible Body is an app that visually and interactively engages students in the core concepts of an undergraduate A&P course. Stunning animations review physiology and anatomical function. 3D anatomical models can be rotated, zoomed, and dissected. Quizzes, learning objective checklists, and an intuitive interface help students learn the content at their own pace.
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Anatomy & Physiology includes:

50 chapters/modules that use 3D models, illustrations, and animations to present the core content in an undergraduate anatomy and physiology course
80+ 50-second animations that cover core physiology; 85+ 3D illustrations and 500+ 3D models that can be studied from any angle and varying zoom levels
On-screen controls for zooming, panning, rotating, and dissecting 3D models of twelve body systems (Cells and Tissue, Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive)
3D bony landmarks of the axial and appendicular skeleton
Audio pronunciations and definitions for hundreds of structures
65+ multiple choice and dissection quizzes with hundreds of questions
Notecard making feature

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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images. Every page, advertisement, cover and fold-out has been included, with rich indexing enabling you to find images by garment type, designer and brand names. The Vogue Archive preserves the work of the world's greatest fashion designers, stylists and photographers and is a unique record of American and international fashion, culture and society from the dawn of the modern era to the present day.


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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Provides contact and descriptive information on more than 10,000 federal government offices, regulatory agencies, congressional committees, judicial offices, public interest groups, nongovernmental organizations, and international organizations.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Comprehensive reference work that defines the entire discipline, bringing together the core knowledge from every one of the many specialties encompassed by electrical and electronics engineering. Includeing over 1,700 articles, it is an ideal starting point for research projects, whether addressing basic questions in power systems and communications, or learning advanced applications in neural networks and robotics.
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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online is a comprehensive online reference resource which covers the fundamentals and applications of statistics in all fields where it is widely used. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, teachers of statistics, and for experienced researchers entering a new part of the field for the first time.
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Comprises over 6,000 articles from across the breadth of Wiley's extensive reference resources in statistics—equivalent to over 30 volumes in print. Articles in Wiley StatsRef have been carefully selected from the following eight products in Wiley’s existing online reference work portfolio, with thousands of new cross-references and links to related articles added to hugely enhance discoverability and ease of navigation:

Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science
Encyclopedia of Biostatistics
Encyclopedia of Clinical Trials
Encyclopedia of Environmetrics
Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability

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Database Types:
Reference Sources
Covers the essential topics in the study of globalization, including agency-structure, Americanization, anti-globalization, Bretton Woods, coca-colonization, empire, Euro crisis, ethnic cleansing, exploitation, feminization of poverty, genocide, global warming, nation-state, neo-liberalism, oil, post-globalization, Qaedaism, rape, sex work, sport, terror, transnational corporations, Twitter Revolution, water crisis, Web 2.0, Wikileaks, World Social Forum and Zapatistas.
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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Historical
Primary Sources
Full backfiles of leading women’s interest consumer magazines. Coverage ranges from the late-19th century through to 2005 and these key primary sources permit the examination of the events, trends, and attitudes of this period. Among the research fields served by this material are gender studies, social history, economics/marketing, media, fashion, politics, and popular culture.
  • Resource is open access and does not require login.
Database Types:
Books — online
Journals & Magazines — Current
The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products. Through the OKR, The World Bank collects, disseminates, and permanently preserves its intellectual output in digital form.
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Since its launch in April 2012, the OKR has grown to more than 13,000 research works including:

World Bank Group Annual Reports and Independent Evaluation Studies Books published by the World Bank Group including flagship publications, academic books and practitioner volumes;
All World Development Reports (WDRs) plus recent WDR background papers;
Journal articles published in World Bank Economic Review (WBER) and World Bank Research Observer (WBRO), two journals published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the World Bank, and the Development Outreach Magazine;
Accepted manuscripts of Bank-authored journal articles from selected external publishers (after an embargo period);
Metadata and links to Bank-authored external journal articles;
Serial publications (typically data-intensive outlook reports);
Policy Research Working Papers (PRWP)—a series of papers that disseminate findings of work in progress in order to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues;
Selected other papers of high research quality;
Economic and Sector Work (ESW) studies—a series of analytical reports prepared by Bank staff. ESWs gather and evaluate information about a country’s economy and/or a specific sector;
Knowledge Notes, providing short briefs that capture lessons of experience from Bank operations and research;
Selected translated titles.
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Database Types:
Provides annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audiovisual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced between 1960 and 2016.
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On Campus Link
Database Types:
Books — print
Library Catalogs lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world.
Database Types:
Financial & Market Data
Access provided by the School of Management — Important access information: For faculty access, email Sara Ding ( for an account. For student access, you must have your instructor email Sara Ding for a special account for your course. See a list of the WRDS databases to which the School of Management subscribes:
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Our subscription to WRDS does not grant us complete access but rather provides limited access to OptionMetrics, CRSP, and Compustat-Capital IQ data.


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Database Types:
Journals & Magazines — Current
Journals & Magazines — Historical
This archive showcases unique periodicals from 1940-present, highlighting topics and trends of youth culture such as fashion, rock and roll, sports, sexuality, dating, as well as youth portrayal in the media. It provides insight to what has and continues to influence youth culture, especially during times of rapid social and cultural change in the U.S. and the UK.


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Alternate Name(s):Zentralblatt MATH
Database Types:
Index / Abstracts
Contains over 4 million bibliographic entries with reviews or abstracts currently drawn from more than 3,000 journals and serials, and 180,000 books from all areas of pure mathematics, as well as applications particularly in the natural sciences, computer science, economics and engineering.


Database Types:
Reference Sources
Highlights the most important anthropology topics, issues, questions, and debates in the 21st Century. Includes applied anthropology, archaeology and paleontology, sociocultural anthropology, evolution, linguistics, physical and biological anthropology, and primate studies.
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