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Professional Development

DEI Resources

Office of Diversity Engagement and Community Outreach - USF

The Office of Diversity Engagement and Community Outreach (DECO) seeks to promote a campus climate and culture that values diversity in all its forms — through inclusive dialogues, interpersonal experiences, and intercultural appreciation — in support of a thriving campus climate and inclusive excellence.


Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services: Resources by American Library Association Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ALA ODLOS)


Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency for Academic Libraries by Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)

Critical Library and Information Science


In the Library with the Lead Pipe

In the Library with the Lead Pipe is an open access, internationally peer-reviewed journal about diverse perspectives in library work. Topics include disability rights, open access research and education, information literacy, library hiring and retention, and diversity initiatives in library and information science.


Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies

The Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies publishes interdisciplinary, humanities, and social sciences research focused on critical approaches to library and information science theories and current practices, with a special focus on "rigorous inter-/multi-/trans-disciplinary research that might be otherwise marginalized from dominant discourses."


Journal of Radical Librarianship

The Journal of Radical Librarianship is an open access journal about theories and practices in critical librarianship, including social justice, digital rights, scholarly communication, equity, diversity, and inclusion, metadata, and critical race studies.


Progressive Librarian: A Journal for Critical Studies and Progressive Politics in Librarianship

Progressive Librarian is an open access journal about critical and progressive perspectives on library and information science. Topics include sustainability, international librarianship, critical cataloging, publishing, and access issues.


critlib Critical Librarianship

critlib Critical Librarianship is the website companion to #critlib on Twitter, and posts weekly Twitter discussion topics and questions, with occasional highlights for news and events. It also lists some recommended resources for those interested in critical librarianship.


Inside Higher Ed: Diversity Matters

Diversity Matters is a newsletter published by Inside Higher Ed about issues in recruitment, campus climate, scholarly publishing, and other areas of higher education.


LISMicroaggressions Tumblr

LISMicroaggressions is a space for those working in library-information science to share their experiences of microaggressions in the workplace.


Progressive Librarians Guild

The Progressive Librarians Guild is an organization of library professionals who "empower the voices of those excluded from positions of power and/or the historical record and to develop a praxis that contributes to on-going pursuits of human rights and dignity." (More core ideas can be found in the statement of purpose.) The Guild publishes a journal, blogs, and holds events about addressing issues related to libraries and information.


Radical Librarians Collective

The Radical Librarians Collective focuses on "building solidarity for those critical of the marketisation of libraries and commodification of information". The Collective conducts Twitter discussions, publishes a journal and blog posts, and holds meetings about contributing to the work of radical librarianship.

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